
Never Sweat a Show Until You Hit the Dancefloor: Fiery...
My buddy Scott, my girlfriend and I sauntered into the safety of the crowd as Dios Malos was finishing up their set but concluded that a beeline to the bar and cheap well drinks were far more in order than standing and watching a band that wasn’t rocking that hard anyway. … read more

Consafos, Bella Lea, and The Good Life Show Review
I was having one of those days where I felt like hurting myself for no reason. I was irritable, lonely and in need of violence, whether emotional or psychological. Not that I’m usually violent or anything, but it happens, you know? Therefore, a night of mellow and/or cute bands at Kilby Court was the last thing I wanted to do, but I had agreed to review the show and I wasn’t gonna wuss out. … read more

Tea, again? A Tegan & Sarah Show Review
Perhaps it’s because I’m not gay. Or, maybe it’s because I’m a man. Whatever the reason is, I don’t understand why, or, more appropriately, how it is that so many people can adore Tegan and Sara. … read more

Pounds of Love for the Legendary Porch Pounders
The last night of SXSW, on Saturday, Angela and I went to see a Bill Kirchen show with Bad Brad at this cool wooden cafe on the other side of the bridge from downtown Austin. … read more

Legendary Shack Shakers Show Review
Lucky for me, I stumbled into a bowl of pure organic octane. As fate should have it, my reason for being at the lounge was unable to perform that evening due to an illness. Allured by the mere mention of “Shack” and “Shaker,” I was curious about the roots of the headliner that evening. … read more