Thursday @ Club Sound

Thursday @ Club Sound

Arriving at In The Venue, I found the entrance locked and the distinct vocals of La Dispute’s Jordan Dreyer blaring from the doors of Club Sound to the north. Walking through the sparsely filled venue, I looked over at the tiny (and I really mean tiny) stage in bewilderment. “Is this the stage Thursday’s playing on?” I asked the kid next to me. Oooh yeeeah. … read more

JP’s Blog: Sea Wolf & Ladyhawke

JP’s Blog: Sea Wolf & Ladyhawke

Weekends like this last one come along only once every September and they should be celebrated. Club Sound hosted Sea Wolf on Friday and Perez Hilton Presents on Saturday. … read more

The Australian Pink Floyd Show @ USANA

The Australian Pink Floyd Show @ USANA

I don’t claim to love Pink Floyd more than any other guy but if I’ve had a few drinks, Pink Floyd is one of the subjects I can often talk about until those around me are tired of hearing it. … read more

Set Your Goals @ Murray Theater

Set Your Goals @ Murray Theater

Let’s get this out of the way: I fucking love Set Your Goals. They’re fusion of pop-punk and hardcore topped off with positive lyrics shouldn’t work at all, but it’s really, really good. … read more

Warped Tour 09 Review

Warped Tour 09 Review

We went to the Boise, ID date of the 2009 Warped Tour so we wouldn’t miss Craft Lake City. It was basically like attending the show in SLC, but more people were wearing camo.
… read more

Giant Squid @ Burt’s Tiki Lounge

Giant Squid @ Burt’s Tiki Lounge

Music that is heavily riff-based and creates an atmosphere of oceanic depth weaved with elusive, yet interesting lyrics is a genre that is not exactly tapped out. After having the pleasure of seeing Giant Squid open up for Agalloch up in Portland, Oregon in 2006, I sure as hell wasn’t going to miss seeing them play their new material here in Salt Lake City. … read more

Cage @ The Urban Lounge

Cage @ The Urban Lounge

Despite my unfamiliarity with much of his material, Cage has always intrigued me due to his traumatic life experiences, D.I.Y. attitude and generally anti-hip hop approach to things. When I saw he was coming to town, I knew it was a show I didn’t want to miss. … read more

Mike Watt @ Bar Deluxe

Mike Watt @ Bar Deluxe

If the concept of sincerity were to take human form, it would have a hard time being anything other than San Pedro’s Mike Watt.  A onetime member of the Minutemen, fIREHOSE and most recently The Stooges (whose reforming he really should take credit for), Watt has never been able to do anything half way. … read more

Jagermeister Music Tour

Jagermeister Music Tour

After only minor threats from the bouncer doing searches at the door, I was going to make sure that I had my photo pass.  If I were seen taking pictures without it I would be forcibly removed (to put it lightly). … read more