Get Low – Review

Get Low – Review

The opening shot of Oscar-winning director Aaron Schneider’s Get Low reveals a house bursting with fire. … read more

Last Train Home – Review

Last Train Home – Review

Every year in China over 130 million migrant workers leave their factory jobs in large cities to travel home and reunite with their families for Chinese New Year. For many, it is the only time they will see their family for the entire year. … read more

Restrepo – Review

Restrepo – Review

Junger and Hetherington have created a fine piece of embedded journalism with their documentary, Restrepo. Restrepo is war—war without the Hollywood lighting, the special effects or the cleverly crafted lines. … read more

Freedom Riders – Review

Freedom Riders – Review

In 1961, a civil rights group known as CORE set out to unveil the inequalities that black individuals faced in the South despite the federal ban of racial discrimination and segregation in interstate travel. … read more

X-Dance 2010: Celebrating Ten Years of Action Sports

X-Dance 2010: Celebrating Ten Years of Action Sports

I don’t know about you but I love festivals. I’m serious, I absolutely love them. I can remember back in the day attending the Warped Tour to see a bunch of fellow punks come together in unison to kick the shit out of the man (or each other). Or the Phish festivals where a dozen hundred Hippies take a bunch of drugs together and spread free love all over the place, including your own blanket (you still disgust me). I mean these things are fantastic, from a writer’s point of view anyway. That being said it’s with my great pleasure to welcome back to Salt Lake City: X-Dance! … read more



Halloween this year was celebrated a little different for throngs of electronic music fans in LA. The normal costumes you’d expect to see, you know, zombie Michael Jackson, the dude with the baby from the Hangover, etc., were replaced by Deadmau5 masks and almost-naked ravers. … read more

Treasure Island Music Festival

Treasure Island Music Festival

I expected two things out of the first day of San Francisco’s Third Annual Treasure Island Music Festival: a sea of hipsters and a day of full-blown dancing. I was not disappointed. … read more

Monolith Festival

Monolith Festival

The party started in the parking lot, and for two days it never ended. Within seconds of parking we were bombarded with offers for every flavor of drug imaginable. Acid? Ketamine? Molly? Spicy Bloody Marys? … read more

Summer of Death: Road Warriors

Summer of Death: Road Warriors

I pulled under 600 North, astonished by the number of people that had gathered for the fourth year of SLUG’s street-style skate contest. It was half an hour before Summer of Death: Road Warriors started and more the 50 people were already on the scene shredding and sipping some undercover, frosty, adult beverages. … read more

SLUG Breaks Hi-Tech Ground @ E3

SLUG Breaks Hi-Tech Ground @ E3

In times of economic woes, the world wants–scratch that–demands entertainment. Communities require something that allows them to escape the horrors of everyday life, and the endless rows of E3 exhibitors and vendors were eager to showcase their future products to satisfy those incessant cravings. … read more