

Richard Ayoade’s first feature length film is a hilarious and dark coming-of-age story about Oliver Tate, a 15-year-old living in Wales who is as delusional as he is awkward. Tate carries a brief case to school, reads the dictionary for fun, routinely spies on his parents and eventually is convinced that his mother is having an affair with their mystical neighbor.  … read more

Magic Trip

Magic Trip

In 1964 author Ken Kesey and the Merry Pranksters set out on a LSD fueled road trip across the United States in a brightly colored converted school bus driven by none-other than Jack Kerouac’s speed freak traveling companion, Neal Cassidy. Their destination: New York City’s World’s Fair.  … read more

I Saw The Devil

I Saw The Devil

Korean filmmaker, Kim Jee-woon, brings Sundance audiences a gruesome psychological thriller that spares no gut-wrenching graphic detail with “I Saw The Devil”. After a psychopath rapes and murders the pregnant fiancée of secret-service agent Soo-hyun, the psychopath becomes the unsuspected prey of the grief-stricken man. … read more

The Guard

The Guard

 Past writer (2003’s “Ned Kelly”) and now first-time director John Michael McDonagh serves up a delicious plate of dark comedy with a side of moving drama in the Irish cop dramedy, “The Guard”. Brendan Gleeson (known mostly for his representation of Alastor ‘Mad-Eye’ Moody in the Harry Potter series) stars as an offensive and selfish Irish police sergeant who doesn’t mind partaking in the finer delicacies of life such as drugs and Dublin prostitutes. … read more

Project Nim

Project Nim

 The creative team behind the 2009 Academy Award-winning documentary “Man on Wire” offers their distinctive blended style of filmmaking to the tale of a chimpanzee, Nim, who was raised from birth in the same fashion as one would raise a human child for a scientific experiment…
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Treasure Island Music Festival

Treasure Island Music Festival

Initially I was less than impressed with the lineup at Treasure Island this year. Everyone was asking how can LCD Soundsystem, while great live, can compare to past headliners like Justice, Modest Mouse and The Flaming Lips? Yet the lineups at Treasure Island have never been about getting the biggest headliners possible. It’s about filling out an entire weekend with diverse, high-quality bands and artists who have strong fan followings, regardless of their mainstream status.
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Matador @21: Day Three

Matador @21: Day Three

Matador Records celebrates 21 years with three nights of band showcases at the Palms in Las Vegas. … read more

Matador @21: Day Two

Matador @21: Day Two

 Matador Records celebrates 21 years with three nights of band showcases at the Palms in Las Vegas. … read more

Matador @21: Day One

Matador @21: Day One

Matador Records celebrates 21 years with three nights of band showcases at the Palms in Las Vegas. … read more

Dew Tour Day 4

Dew Tour Day 4

Sunday, Sept. 19 marked the last day of Dew Tour here in Salt Lake City for 2010. It was also the day I was waiting for to see the skate vert finals. The Arena was packed almost every seat filled fans watched in awe as the pros warmed up. As an intro Gatorade put on the grom demo where some super little kids shredded the ramp, there was even a seven year old who did cork 540s! I’d give him his props and shout out his name but due to regulations names of the kids weren’t released.  … read more