Sisterly Love: Philly Rollergirls Defend An Undefeated Streak at RollerCon 2012

Sisterly Love: Philly Rollergirls Defend An Undefeated Streak at RollerCon...

In an amazing show of strength, it was the Philly Roller Girls (ranked second in the East) that swept the track with the dust of so many teams’ wheels. After killing two bouts in a row against Rocky Mountain and Rose City, respectively, Philly faced off against the Minnesota RollerGirls. … read more

Halfway Through the Convention and Straight On Till August: Reflections

Halfway Through the Convention and Straight On Till August: Reflections

Three days into RollerCon and everything starts to blur together in a Hunter S. Thompson sort of haze, technicolored neon lights and heat waves a given. Everyone in their basic black scrimmage shirt, names and numbers printed on the back in all similar fonts and sizes, the difference between one derby diva and another is diminished, and we blend into a sea of sweating faces and leg tattoos. … read more

Let’s Talk Strategy: What RollerCon 2012 Means For Your Upcoming Season

Let’s Talk Strategy: What RollerCon 2012 Means For Your Upcoming...

Any time leagues from all over the world come together, new strategies explode across the map, gaining prevalence until one movement comes up and defines the year. Last year, it was the no-start. This year, it’s the no-block. … read more

America, Fuck Yeah! Team USA vs. Team Australia 07.25

America, Fuck Yeah! Team USA vs. Team Australia 07.25

Every year since 2004, RollerCon has been the destination for skaters all across America. Comparable to Comic Con but with 200-percent more drunken hookups, the four-day convention is packed with events from 9 a.m. to midnight, not including the late-night karaoke and nonstop party throughout the halls of the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas. … read more

Damn These Heels! 2012

Damn These Heels! 2012

The Damn These Heels! Film Festival kicked off with the screening of Gayby, a hilarious flick by Jonathan Lisecki about two longtime friends who overcome their mutual life doldrums and relationship dumps to have a baby together, which deals with sexual stereotypes and roles. … read more

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Three: Oddball Comics

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Three: Oddball Comics

I entered day three of the convention with the Zen calm of a Hindu cow, resigned to my fate. All the things that a fanboy suffers through for his passion—the sore feet and aching lower back, the endless bumping of people running into you at every turn in the tightly packed convention center, the loud noises, the ups and downs of meeting your idols or being turned away from a full panel, the expensive but desirable exclusive toys and comics—all these things no longer bothered me. … read more

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Two: When It’s Time to Party We Will Party Hard

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Two: When It’s Time to...

“The best laid plans of mice and men,” as they say, was a bitter pill to swallow. I learned this quickly the second day of San Diego Comic Con 2012, as I dashed with my roommates to try and get into the Firefly 10th Anniversary panel. This was one of the very few things on my agenda that I really wanted to attend. But the normal part of my brain was not willing to get to the con early and wait in line for hours. … read more

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day One: Blood on the Con Floor

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day One: Blood on the Con...

San Diego Comic Con is a strange and overwhelming beast. You can try to imagine what a mass of humanity 125,000 deep is like, but it won’t do justice to viewing the actual spectacle with your own eyes. This being my fourth time attending I still find it incredible. … read more

Finding A Sweet Cape To Go With Those Heels: Damn These Heels! Film Fest July 13-15

Finding A Sweet Cape To Go With Those Heels: Damn...

My friends are proud, and I now have a more clear idea of what it takes for them to maintain that. To me, they are heroes. These are a few of the films being screened at Damn These Heels! that I feel finely demonstrate heroism and strength. … read more

Electric Daisy Carnival: The Party Continues

Electric Daisy Carnival: The Party Continues

From June 8-10, I attended one of the biggest electronic music festivals in the world—Insomniac’s Electric Daisy Carnival in Las Vegas. I’m still trying to process everything that happened in those three days. … read more