Gabe Spotts: Pushing through the Ranks

Gabe Spotts: Pushing through the Ranks

Gabe Spotts has become the next and newest Am to rise up from the Provo area. Like his friends and heroes Matt Fisher and Brodie Penrod, Spotts is hoping to garner enough attention to eventually get him out of the suburbs and into the big city. With the help of his sponsors, which include local companies Fortica Skateboards, Discrete Headwear, Skullcandy and Board of Provo, Spotts has been keeping the Utah scene relevant through traveling and competing on the amateur circuit. … read more

Go Skateboarding Day June 21: Not Just Another Day

Go Skateboarding Day June 21: Not Just Another Day

To most people around the world, June 21 is just another day on the calendar. But to myself and over 15 million other people around the globe, June 21 is a day we all hold very close to our hearts. It is a day that lets us stop and forget about whatever it is that we are doing in our day: playing video games, studying for a big test, yard work or anything else we aren’t too excited about, and do the one thing we will love doing for the rest of our lives––skateboard.  … read more

Milo Skate Park Tour 06.21

Milo Skate Park Tour 06.21

June 21 was National Go Skateboarding Day. It promotes all skateboarders to get out of the house and skate. Injury or not, I was determined to celebrate this holiday in proper fashion. To commemorate, Milosport was holding a tour of skate parks. … read more

Hoodlum Day Parade: A Go Skateboard Day Reflection

Hoodlum Day Parade: A Go Skateboard Day Reflection

It was like a war-raid with all the busy horns honking in protest and the freshly road-rashed participants lining the gutters, who were looking over their carnage while yelling, “fuck yeah!” or “whoo!” in support of the bombers. … read more

Pretty Sweet U.S. Tour @ Blindside and Rose Park Skate Park

Pretty Sweet U.S. Tour @ Blindside and Rose Park Skate...

This year, Girl Skateboards celebrates its 20th year in business. To celebrate the newest film from Girl and Chocolate Skateboards, Pretty Sweet, a tour of the United States was put together.  … read more

Forrest Does Downtown

Forrest Does Downtown

For this article, Forrest Huber, Jovi Bathemess, Sam Milianta, Gabe Dusserre and I met up near the library Downtown. The friendly dynamic and atmosphere that was created helped some of these tricks come to life. These photos were all shot on two Saturdays in downtown Salt Lake City. We didn’t get all the photos we wanted to––sometimes a spot gets the best of you, sometimes you get kicked out before you even get a chance to skate––but we had fun, and that is all that really matters. 
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Fritz Kollman: Another Way Home

Fritz Kollman: Another Way Home

Fritz Kollman is a sensitive creature. Not the type of sensitivity that happens when you rip a Band-Aid off a wound, or the kind that happens when you can’t take a joke. What I’m talking about is the sensitivity that controls the interaction between a person and their surroundings­. What sets Fritz apart is his levelheaded approach to his circumstance, which has given way to the cultivation of two passions that keep him sane: skateboarding and horticulture. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Gabe Dussurre

Skate Photo Feature: Gabe Dussurre

Somehow, in all my years in and around the Utah skate scene, I had never met or even heard of Gabe Dussurre until a few months ago. Apparently, not only has he been around a long time, but he’s also been really good at skating for a long time. I had no idea. … read more

Projekt 801 Skate & BMX Contest @ We Are One 04.13

Projekt 801 Skate & BMX Contest @ We Are One...

This past Saturday, April 13, Projekt 801 held their first-ever skate and BMX best trick contest at We Are One Skate Park. Projekt 801 is a non-profit organization supporting kids involved in action sports, which would otherwise not have the chance, to go to college.  … read more

Pounding the Pavement: A Day with Kwami Adzitso

Pounding the Pavement: A Day with Kwami Adzitso

Calm, cool and collected: That’s the best way to describe Kwami Adzitso. He’s a humble dude just looking to have the most fun he can, doing what he loves––and that is skateboarding. Kwami is the kind of kid who would get as hyped on nollie heel flipping a ten stair as he would on half cabbing a parking block. If it involves skating, Kwami is there, and chances are, he will be rifling off tricks one after another. … read more