Product Reviews 12/12

Product Reviews 12/12

Products from Logitech, LUSH Cosmetics, Plantronics SMS Audio and Tilley are reviewed. … read more

Zine Reviews – November 2012

Zine Reviews – November 2012

A.B.A.Q. – Issue 1, Diamond Tooth and Filler #1 are reviewed. … read more

Video Game Reviews – November 2012

Video Game Reviews – November 2012

This month, Inquisitor and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings are reviewed. … read more

Product Reviews – November 2012

Product Reviews – November 2012

Products from Contract Snowboards, GBX Shoes, Logitech, Provo Craft and Zensah
 are reviewed. … read more

Amy Goodman @ The Rose Wagner 10.29.12

Amy Goodman @ The Rose Wagner 10.29.12

I was in a room full of  liberals. They all probably listen to RadioActive after Democracy Now!, but when was the last time they were really politically engaged? When was the last time they handed out literature or questioned their own political perspective? This was the message Amy Goodman left us with—to demand change, to make change—not to wait for it. … read more

Book Reviews – October 2012

Book Reviews – October 2012

America, You Sexy Bitch: A Love Letter to Freedom by Meghan McCain & Michael Ian Black, Bury Me In Smoke by Megan Kennedy and If You Can’t Make It Here, Get Out by Jane Potter and G. E. Feldman are reviewed. … read more

Video Game Reviews – October 2012

Video Game Reviews – October 2012

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Deponia are reviewed. … read more

Product Reviews – October 2012

Product Reviews – October 2012

Products from Dry Case, Liberty Bottleworks and Power Practical are reviewed this month. … read more

Nintendo Airstream Preview Event

Nintendo Airstream Preview Event

Last week, Nintendo of America began their coast to coast tour giving lucky press members time to try out the Wii U and some of the newly announced content. SLUG had the chance to check out The Wonderful 101, Zombi U, and the latest installment of the Pokemon series. … read more

Book Reviews – September 2012

Book Reviews – September 2012

Dream Big: The Journey of the Jazz Bear by Aron Simkins, Instrument  by Pat Graham and Murder in the Front Row by Harald Oimoen and Brian Lew are reviewed this month. … read more