What is #GamerGate, Anyway?

What is #GamerGate, Anyway?

If you are a person of the video game persuasion, you have undoubtedly heard about the latest hashtag flooding the Internet: #GamerGate. From reading hashtags alone, however, it is difficult to pin down what exactly #GamerGate is.  … read more

Charles Halford: Local Boy Turned Demon Hunter

Charles Halford: Local Boy Turned Demon Hunter

Charles Halford, an actor who grew up in Salt Lake City, has been cast as the role of Chas Chandler, Constantine’s cab driver/drinking buddy/demon hunter. Halford, whose TV work includes HBO’s True Detective and ABC’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., took some time to chat with us about NBC’s new show Constantine, as well as the simple pleasures of taking a punch in the name of the performing arts. … read more

Nintendo Airstream Tour 2014

Nintendo Airstream Tour 2014

Once a year, right before the rush of the holiday shopping season, the folks at Nintendo load up a trailer with all of their upcoming titles and take it across the country to spread buzz for their future lineup. Salt Lake City had the good fortune of being the Airstream Tour’s first stop, which allowed local Nintendo fans first crack at games that won’t see store shelves until this Christmas. … read more

Video Game Reviews

Video Game Reviews

Video game reviews for  80 Days, Blackwell Episode 1, Blood Bowl, Diablo III: Ultimate Evil Edition, Halfway, iOOTP Baseball, Madden 15, Minecraft for Xbox One, Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty, The Red Solstice, Shovel Knight, Sword Art Online, Tales Of Xillia 2 and The Walking Dead: Season 2. … read more

Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Product reviews for Chrome Industries, Enjoi Skateboards, Huf, Sol Republic and Underwater Audio. … read more

Television Reviews

Television Reviews

Television reviews for American Dad, Blended, Clockwork Orange County, Devo: The Men Who Make The Music, GG Allin (Un)Censored: Live 1993, Inside The Criminal Mind, Mystery Science Theatre 3000, Orphan Black, Sex Pistols – The TV Tapes, Soap, Three’s Company and Wilfred. … read more

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book reviews for 33 1/3, Courtney Crumrin Vol. 6,Dead Letters Vol. 1, Elephantmen!, The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy, Heavy Metal Movies, Marvel Comics: 75 Years Of Cover Art, Monsters in America, Scott Pilgrim vs The Universe and Sex Vol. 2: Supercool. … read more

PAX Prime 2014: Sunset Overdrive

PAX Prime 2014: Sunset Overdrive

Sunset Overdrive is all about chaos. The game is an open-world shooter where mutants run rampant in the streets, searching for their precious Overdrive—a deliciously toxic energy drink that turned them into mutants in the first place. It may sound like another dystopian future shooter, but Insomniac works hard to set itself apart. … read more

PAX Prime 2014

PAX Prime 2014

This year, Penny-Arcade Expo (PAX) celebrated its ten-year anniversary—for a decade now, PAX has been a gamer haven. During each PAX Expo, the downtown Seattle streets are flooded with people from all over the country who just want to play video games all day. Some of them spend most of their time standing in line waiting to play video games, while others hang out in freeplay areas to play a huge assortment of games in all the different areas of gaming: tabletop, console, and PC. … read more

Television Reviews

Television Reviews

Television reviews for Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, The Killing Season 3, The New Normal, Transcendence, True Detective and Whoopi Goldberg Presents Moms Mabley.
  … read more