Dungeons & Dragons: Princes of the Apocalypse
The Temple of Elemental Evil is the kind of module mentioned in the same reverential tones as Ravenloft and Planescape, and it’s one of the most famous pre-made adventures in the whole of tabletop RPGs. … read more
Review: Rare Replay
The Nintendo 64 is the greatest, most important console ever. It’s a big claim, but the sheer amount of revolutionary concepts being brought, en masse, to fruition by one console, was a towering accomplishment. … read more
Review: Nobunagun – The Complete Series
Drawing upon my experience with anime, it doesn’t seem like Nobunagun has done much to revolutionize the genre. … read more
Review: Razer – Tartarus Gaming Keypad
The Tartarus is a keypad designed specifically for gaming; it works as a type of extension of the keyboard, but it’s more ergonomic. … read more
Review: DiscStorm
As far as retro, four-player deathmatch arena games go, DiscStorm only does a few things right. What it does get right, however, it gets really right. … read more
Review: The Fifth Element ReAction Figures
One of the biggest films to have an impact on my life was The Fifth Element. It was weird enough and sci-fi enough to capture the imaginations of millions, become a blockbuster hit and eventual cult classic across the globe. … read more
Review: Gremlins ReAction Figures
To open or not to open? This is the question that divides the toy collecting community. The “to open side” thinks that all action figures should be opened, played with or displayed, as that’s the reason the toy was made, whereas the “don’t open” side likes the toy trapped in its clamshell prison. … read more
Review: Leap of Fate
The cyberpunk techno-fantasy genre of games like Shadowrun and films like The Matrix is a niche category for sure, but the idea of combining sci-fi and fantasy has always held unlimited storytelling potential, especially in the field of video games. … read more
Review: Hackers 20th Anniversary Edition
Hackers: 20th Anniversary Edition Shout! Factory Release: 08.18 I feel quite privileged to be at the age I’m at, to have been able to see the Internet rise and learn hacking at a time where it only got me suspended from junior high for a week and not arrested (true story). Back then, we
Review: Missing: An Interactive Thriller
Missing: An Interactive Thriller Zandel Media Reviewed on: PC Also on: Android, iOS, Kindle Street: 05.25 My introduction to full motion video games (or FMV for short) began in 1995 with Phantasmagoria. I smile remembering those nights spent sneaking into the computer room with my sisters to witness scene after horrific scene, following mystery writer