Review: The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2

Review: The Book Of Unwritten Tales 2

A point-and-click adventure wouldn’t be complete without numerous puzzles to drive the story forward, and The Book Unwritten Tales 2 is no exception. … read more

Review: King’s Quest Chapter 1: A Knight to Remember

Review: King’s Quest Chapter 1: A Knight to Remember

King’s Quest is a great example of why these smaller games deserve more exposure. … read more

Review: Assault Android Cactus

Review: Assault Android Cactus

Assault Android Cactus is all combat, all the time as you survive wave after wave of machines out to snuff you out. It’s arcade style shooting using one stick to move and one to aim—which seems simple until there are 25 spidery looking robots on top of you and they knock your ass down. … read more

Review: Nova-111

Review: Nova-111

In Nova-111, scientists have been developing the “Greatest Science Experiment” with the intention of unlocking “real-time” in a turn-based world. … read more

Review: Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

Review: Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance

If you’re not familiar with the Disgaea series, just imagine a game where you can level up your whole team to level 9999 then reincarnate them back at Level 1 so that you can build them back up again—stronger, faster and more ridiculously overpowered than ever before. … read more

Review: Act of Aggression

Review: Act of Aggression

While the lack of RTS representation has left a gap in my gaming identity, it’s one that has been lovingly addressed by Act of Aggression … read more

Review: SOMA: How I Murdered Myself Twice

Review: SOMA: How I Murdered Myself Twice

With SOMA, Frictional Games proves that they haven’t lost their touch. The worst thing I can say about it is that I would have preferred less horror elements. … read more

Review: Super Mario Maker

Review: Super Mario Maker

Super Mario Maker is broken into two main sections: make and play. Those of us that have those creative minds are going straight for the former. … read more

Review: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

Review: Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

When I first played Metal Gear Solid, it changed my life as a gamer. It intertwined story and gameplay in a way I’d never seen before. … read more