
Review: Euclidean
Euclidean Alpha Wave Entertainment / AAD Productions Reviewed on: PC (exclusive) Street: 09.25 Don’t get me wrong—I love the fact that Euclidean is a VR-enabled exploration of Lovecraftian insanity-horror. It looks beautiful, the narration is batshit crazy, and it excels at impressing a feeling of claustrophobic dread upon the player. As a piece of immersive

Review: The Book of Unwritten Tales 2
Game reviews for The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Euclidean and Overruled!. … read more

Review: Overruled!
Overruled! Dlala Studios Reviewed on: PS4 Also on: PC, Xbox One Street: 09.15 Overruled! is a multi-player brawler that is best enjoyed with a group of friends. It also has a single player mode that is basically a bunch of mini-games, but it’s really not any fun. The multi-player battle mode is absolutely frantic and

Review: Samurai Warriors 4-II
The most fun I had with Samurai Warriors 4-II came in the survival mode, which pares down the gameplay experience into something that felt much more accessible. … read more

Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition is a triumph for both the RPG video game and console gamers … read more

Review: Tales Of Zestiria
Tales of Zestiria expands on the real-time combat of the Tales franchise in a phenomenal fashion. … read more

Review: Sublevel Zero
Sublevel Zero is a hell of a fun game, and it’s refreshing to play something different. … read more

Review: Minecraft – Story Mode
My biggest and most loved Minecraft seed is that it is an apocalyptic wasteland. … read more

Review: Halo 5: Guardians
Halo 5: Guardians will bring some new players to the fold and give those waiting for that killer app on Xbox One something to look forward to. … read more

Review: Warhammer 40k: Deathwatch: Tyranid Invasion
Deathwatch has invested the most effort into really exploring the tabletop roots of Warhammer 40K. … read more