Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book reviews for Amelia Cole, Black Metal: Omnibus, Chasing the Light: The Cloud Cult Story, Courage, The Daughters Of Mars, John Marshall: The Chief Justice Who Saved the Nation, The Low Road, The March on Washington, Salsa!, Tale Of Sand, tulip and V-Wars Vol. 1. … read more

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book reviews for Afro-Vegan, Deathmatch Vol. 3, My Prison Walls, One Way Out, The Ploughmen, Supurbia Vol. 4 and The Woods Vol. 1. … read more

Telling Funny Stories with Chuck Palahniuk

Telling Funny Stories with Chuck Palahniuk

Chuck Palahniuk is an American Novelist and freelance journalist who is best known for the film adaptations of his books Choke and Fight Club. On the heels of the release of his 14th novel, Beautiful You, Palahniuk sat down with SLUG to chat about James Franco, Comic Cons and becoming a graphic novelist for his next project Fight Club 2. Palahniuk will be in town at the Union Ballroom on Oct. 29, for anyone who would like to witness his crazy antics in person and wear pajamas as an adult. … read more

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book reviews for 33 1/3, Courtney Crumrin Vol. 6,Dead Letters Vol. 1, Elephantmen!, The Great Abraham Lincoln Pocket Watch Conspiracy, Heavy Metal Movies, Marvel Comics: 75 Years Of Cover Art, Monsters in America, Scott Pilgrim vs The Universe and Sex Vol. 2: Supercool. … read more

Hive Mind and the Guest Writers Series: Antennae of the Cultural Vanguard

Hive Mind and the Guest Writers Series: Antennae of the...

Now in its 20th season, the series brings in a handful of writers from outside of Utah, typically one or two per month throughout the academic year. … read more

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book reviews for… 331/3 Beach Boys, Brian’s Search, Darklight, Farscape Vol. 7, 33 1/3 Gang Of Four, J. Dilla’s Donuts, Judge Dress Classic, 33 1/3 Kanye West, The Midnight Rose, Murder Me Dead, Revivial: Vol 1, 33 1/3 Richard Hell, Seconds, Ranpopo Vol 2, The Walking Dead Vol. 21, WonTon Soup and WWE 50. … read more

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book reviews for Assassination, Courtney Crumrin Vol. 5, Lost and Found: An Amy Devlin Mystery , Michael Jackson’s Dangerous (33 1/3), Next Testament Vol. 1 and The Punk Rock Las Vegas Survival Guide. … read more

Book Reviews

Book Reviews

Book reviews for Acquisitions: The Plague Legacy Book 1, Daft Punk: A Trip Inside The Pyramid and Gulp: Adventures on the Alimentary Canal … read more

The Sixth Gun: Clear Lines, Clear Story, Clear Brilliance

The Sixth Gun: Clear Lines, Clear Story, Clear Brilliance

Comics are one of the few mediums where plausibility doesn’t matter. You’re allowed to take different genres and mix and mash them together into something completely new. No one will question the reality or viability, because comics exist on a little island where literally everything is fair game. Comics are just words and pictures—you can do anything with words and pictures. … read more

Review: Helheim Book One – The Witch War

Review: Helheim Book One – The Witch War

When I heard this was a comic about witches, demons, vikings and the risen dead, my inner metalhead started headbanging windmill-style. … read more