Whiskers: Giving Second Chances To Cats In Need

Whiskers: Giving Second Chances To Cats In Need

Whiskers is a rescue and rehabilitation nonprofit that specializes in finding homes for senior and disabled cats, who make better companions than some may think. … read more

Slobbery Kisses and Well-Wishes: Preston Chiaro’s Therapy Pups

Slobbery Kisses and Well-Wishes: Preston Chiaro’s Therapy Pups

ITA was founded 30 years ago in Salt Lake with the goal of providing positive animal-assisted interactions to those in need. … read more

“Ruff” But Rewarding: A Look at Professional Dog Hikers’ Daily Lives

“Ruff” But Rewarding: A Look at Professional Dog Hikers’ Daily...

The regular sunshine, fresh air and the satisfaction of providing a dog, and their owner, a positive experience is invaluable. … read more

Bold & Beautiful: Shortcake the Clown

Bold & Beautiful: Shortcake the Clown

Shortcake describes themself as a maladaptive daydreamer—they once had recurring visions of a clown during intrusive daydreams. … read more

Bold & Beautiful: Baby J

Bold & Beautiful: Baby J

When Baby J was 19 years old, he convinced his older sister to go pole dancing for her birthday. He never expected it would lead him to a fulfilling career as a pole dancer, sensual movement artist and boylesquer.  … read more

Andrew Earley Creates a Haven for Artsy Outcasts Through AAMP

Andrew Earley Creates a Haven for Artsy Outcasts Through AAMP

Starting a business and fostering a community can be difficult, but Earley chooses to keep a positive attitude and continue to push forward. … read more

People Over Property: Wasatch Tenants United Shows the Political Power of Community

People Over Property: Wasatch Tenants United Shows the Political Power...

Wasatch Tenants United (WTU), a volunteer-run organization advocating for dignified housing, exists to stop this pattern of discouragement in its tracks. … read more

Mike Farnsworth: Building Community Across Two Worlds

Mike Farnsworth: Building Community Across Two Worlds

Though Farnsworth is hesitant to call himself a leader, he says that the most important thing in both the hardcore and NMD communities is to lead by example. … read more

Lavanya Mahate: Building a Compassionate Culinary Community

Lavanya Mahate: Building a Compassionate Culinary Community

Lavanya Mahate pushed against the patriarchy in Indian culture to craft a path to lift up others and highlight her entrepreneurial success. … read more

Snow Photo Feature: Kale Cimperman

Snow Photo Feature: Kale Cimperman

Kale Cimperman grinds a rail at Brighton’s Bone Zone in SLUG’s Snow Photo Feature of the month. Happy shredding! … read more