Book And Literature Review: September 1991

Book And Literature Review: September 1991

The Autobiography answers just about any questions the viewer could have conceived about Cooper’s life. … read more

The Anti-Defamation League: September 1991

The Anti-Defamation League: September 1991

Since its beginning in 1913, the Anti-Defamation League has grown to become one of America’s leading civil rights organizations. … read more

Books And Literature: August 1991

Books And Literature: August 1991
By ,

It’s probably not a surprise if you’ve never heard of controversial author J.G. Ballard; he has been blackballed by virtually every major publishing company. … read more

Movie and Video: Rubin and Ed

Movie and Video: Rubin and Ed

Rubin is a shut-in, with a fondness for Mahler and rubber squeeze toys. He also possesses a pair of ninja platform shoes which are lethal at thirty paces. … read more

Pompadour Industrial Night Top 20: May 1991

Pompadour Industrial Night Top 20: May 1991

Check out these sick tracks from May of 1991, brought to you by DJ Evil of the Industrial Underground. … read more

Notes From The Industrial Underground: May 1991

Notes From The Industrial Underground: May 1991

The Cocks are finishing up a new single, “Crackin’ Up,” a “harrowing dance-floor essay on crack addiction that sounds like PiL’s “Metal Box” put through a Megadeath meat-grinder. … read more

Book Review: The Torture Garden

Book Review: The Torture Garden

“…I love her because there is something more mysteriously attractive than beauty: it is corruption.” … read more

Video Review: Skinny Puppy and Ministry

Video Review: Skinny Puppy and Ministry

With the upcoming CD release of Ain’t It Dead Yet, it might be timely to review the video that spawned that CD. … read more

Notes From The Industrial Underground: April 1991

Notes From The Industrial Underground: April 1991

The band has become more dance-orientated since leaving 4AD but still retain their moody, angst-ridden style. … read more

Pompadour Industrial Underground Top 20 – April 1991

Pompadour Industrial Underground Top 20 – April 1991

DJ Evil’s top 20 underground tracks from April of 1991, curated just for you, SLUG reader. … read more