Dear Dickheads – June 2005

Dear Dickheads – June 2005

I have heard a rumor that corporate stores around town, like Media Play, have threatened their employees with being fired if they are caught shopping at locally owned music stores … read more

Calling All Bats: SLC’s Dark Arts Festival Celebrates Five Years

Calling All Bats: SLC’s Dark Arts Festival Celebrates Five Years

They say imitation is the most sincere form of flattery; either that, or someone’s trying to cash in on someone else’s success. Either way, it would seem that Salt Lake’s Dark Arts Festival has inspired a little envy in Colorado, where some scavengers have lifted the name and are throwing their own Dark Arts gala.

Skateboarding is SOOOO Cool Right Now!

Skateboarding is SOOOO Cool Right Now!

It was hard for me to think of skateboard-related topics to write about this month. And I think the reason why is because it rained the whole time last month, therefore, no one skated. I sure as fuck didn’t. I hate the noise wet bearings make. It sounds like a hooker getting strangled or that

Soccer Dad and the People in your Neighborhood: True Tales of an SLC Cabbie

Soccer Dad and the People in your Neighborhood: True Tales...

Perhaps the greatest perk of my job is the opportunity to readily interact with strangers. Also, I get to observe our fair city from every conceivable angle afforded to a gravity-obeying mammal. Most times, it beats the hell out of the cubicle I sat in before I became a taxi driver. And sometimes, through the

Some Shit that Happened on a Skateboard List Update

Some Shit that Happened on a Skateboard List Update

All your latest skateboarding gossip … 1. June 11 at Binary skate park is where the SLUG Summer of Death contest series will kick off; be there or be gay. 2. Speaking of Binary Cy, Bickmore hates it when you call him Cynary. 3. Rumor has it that Lizard King just might be a wet

Shits and Giggles Never Hurt So Bad: The Face Off

Shits and Giggles Never Hurt So Bad: The Face Off

So, Angela gave me this DVD to review called The Face Off. Angela must know that I have a high threshold of pain and stupidity, which is the best way to describe viewing this DVD.The way I understand it is that the guys from Spy Hop productions were asked to participate in a scavenger hunt

Bellyography – June 2005

Bellyography – June 2005

Utah is a great place. Our belly dance community is so special and so big compared to other cities. Our dancers are being recognized nationally, and we have many opportunities available to us. … read more

The Layton Massacre BMX Jam

The Layton Massacre BMX Jam

Billed as a Utah Cobras’ Super Cement Jam, it was the premiere BMX event thus far this year. (OK; the only one in Utah.) There was an amateur and pro-class, with a Hot Mom Contest between heats. The entire contest was run in a jam format with five riders per heat. The Top 10 in each class went to the finals. … read more