Fightmaster Story

Fightmaster Story

Punk-rock legends are not usually seen wearing Hawaiian shirts, slacks and loafers sitting on their sister’s porch enjoying the summer afternoon. Imagine my surprise that this was the scenario in which I met Salt Lake’s own punk-rock legend Sean Fightmaster – one of the only guys cool enough to become a punk-rock legend without being in a band; a punk-rock personality, if you will. … read more

Fightmaster Memorium

Fightmaster Memorium

God, my baby brother! What the fuck, Sean? I love you more than life itself. I just hope that in life, as well as in death; you know that. I have a feeling that you do. I love you man and always will. Where to begin? I was not the best sister, but whoever is

You Have the Right to Clean Water: The Battle Cry of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

You Have the Right to Clean Water: The Battle Cry...

Changing the world is a long and drawn-out process. When those in power refuse to build a better society, this duty falls on everyday folks like you and me. … read more

Mine Versus Mind: The Art Criticism of Douglas Crimp

Mine Versus Mind: The Art Criticism of Douglas Crimp

It may very well be that the wall-of-yawn survey courses that drive so many bright students back to retail are “moralizing cultural conservativism disguised as progressive modernism.” This phrase belongs to Douglas Crimp, professor of visual studies at the University of Rochester. Scholars currently debate what this edgy new discipline actually is, but this much

Showdown for Senate: Pete Ashdown Challenges Orrin Hatch … Will He Become Utah’s Next Senator Elect?

Showdown for Senate: Pete Ashdown Challenges Orrin Hatch … Will...

Pete Ashdown (courtesy of The state of the nation is very grave as our “president” continues behaving like a buffoon. Senator Orrin Hatch (R Utah) pretends to oppose the child president on issues such as stem cell research while behaving like a buffoon himself and sponsoring or supporting senseless constitutional amendments banning same-sex marriage

SLUG Writer Claims to Have Seen a Sasquatch

SLUG Writer Claims to Have Seen a Sasquatch

When I first found out that SLUG was sending me to Washington State’s famous Sasquatch Festival, located at the scenic Gorge Amphitheater, I thought “good.” When I later found out that the festival had little if anything to do with the actual Bigfoot, I was skeptical. “Am I ever going to see Bigfoot?” I asked

Ten Hours with She Wants Revenge

Ten Hours with She Wants Revenge

Arriving at the Avalon Theater, I’m not quite sure what to expect; from the venue or She Wants Revenge’s Justin Warfield or Adam Bravin (aka Adam 12). I hadn’t been to the Avalon for years and SWR had been a passing crush of mine that came on strong after seeing them open for Bloc Party

Hey, F*#! You, Luigi! — An Interview With Captain Lou Albano

Hey, F*#! You, Luigi! — An Interview With Captain Lou...

If I knew what a shaggy dog story was, I would say that the life and career of Captain Lou Albano is one such story. Since I don’t have the slightest clue as to what a shaggy dog story is, I’ll have to come up with something else. So what is the story of the