Review: The Midnight Special: Legendary Performances

Review: The Midnight Special: Legendary Performances

The Midnight Special: Legendary Performances Guthy-Renker Street 08.01 One of the more spectacular music shows to ever run on late-night television was the Midnight Special. Bankrolled by Burt Sugarman, and running through most of the 70s and into the early 80s, the Midnight Special was the closest think that we in the US ever had

Review: Freemasonry Revealed

Review: Freemasonry Revealed

Freemasonry Revealed The Secret History of the Freemasons Koch Entertainment Street: 09.11 The secretive nature of Masonry, the ties it has in the Latter Day Saint church’s history and history in general have always enticed a great deal of curiosity in me. When I picked it up, Freemasonry Revealed was still wrapped in its original

Fuck the Informer: By the Numbers

Fuck the Informer: By the Numbers

Fuck The Informer is a band that I like. But they don’t like SLUG and said that they didn’t want any of their music reviewed in the mag. So I told them that I was doing a survey, just like a sneaky telemarketer. I guess that makes me an informer, ha! Fuck me! I’ll leave

Racial Slurs Promoting Anti-Racist Ideas

Racial Slurs Promoting Anti-Racist Ideas

N— W— C— was originally invited to attend Kingsbury Hall about nine months ago after Greg Geilmann, the director of Kingsbury Hall, saw it in Los Angeles. … read more

Hallowed Halls: A Night of Dark Elegant Fashion

Hallowed Halls: A Night of Dark Elegant Fashion

Last fall, fashion designer Heather Mathiesen and filmmaker Stephen Simmons collaborated to produce An October Evening, an arts event designed to showcase their creative endeavors as well as those of like-minded peers. “Stephen and I are both very inspired by the October season and wanted to capture what we felt was so intriguing about it,”

Utah Folklore: Gruesome Graves, Mysterious Monsters and Tormented Towns

Utah Folklore: Gruesome Graves, Mysterious Monsters and Tormented Towns

Hidden inside the Oquirrh Mountains and tucked away in the Summit County library lies the ugly step-cousin of official Utah history—ghostly folklore. With Halloween only a stone’s throw away, I started to uncover the stories and tales that color our great state. These stories are almost too bizarre NOT to be true. The first story

Nobrow: Art, Coffee and Community

Nobrow: Art, Coffee and Community

As I sat and spoke with Joe Evans in nobrow Coffee and Tea, he kept his eyes on the front door. Whenever a customer would walk in, Joe would spring to his feet, often greeting the shop’s denizens by name and knowing just what they meant when they asked for “the usual.” He answered ringing

Andy Pitts … Last Call

Andy Pitts … Last Call

Back in 1999, Andy Pitts helped build an indoor skate park with me and my family. The more I look back on this scenario, the more ridiculous it becomes. He did all the ramp plans, designed the layout, did the majority of the construction and was there every night until it was done. If anyone