Mike Brown’s Tattoo Talk

Mike Brown’s Tattoo Talk

So there was this Tattoo Convention thing a couple weeks ago. I was totally going to go, seeing how I have tattoos and all. I thought it would be cool to see other artists from different parts of the world with their different styles and accents and shit like that.  … read more

The Inversion Trawler: Sci-Fi Man – March 2008

The Inversion Trawler: Sci-Fi Man – March 2008

Our first knowledge of Sci-Fi man came from Aunt Leona a good while back. She was chattering away to a friend of hers. They were discussing and comparing stories about some “totally creepy wing-nut guy.” … read more



“It’s definitely a burner,” said the Salt Lake City firefighter. He was referring to Club DV8 during a 1995 inspection of the X96 studios located in the adjacent Arrow Press Square. … read more

Radio Silence: KRCL and KCPW are in flux.

Radio Silence: KRCL and KCPW are in flux.

By now you’ve seen Juno, right? The precious independent film (from the Fox Corporation) that taught America to cheer for a knocked-up teenager (played by a 20-year-old actress) and think more openly about teaching contraception (as in science) in school instead of leaving it up to Jesus (as in fiction)? … read more

The Boy-Legend: Everett Ruess

The Boy-Legend: Everett Ruess

From the fading black and white photographs, he doesn’t come across as anything extraordinary. Everett Ruess’ soft, rounded face looks younger than his 20 years. He was still a boy when he smiled into the lens or looked off into the red rock horizon, his trusty burro in tow. But the boyish looks belied the intensity of an artistic soul. … read more

Never-Never Land: A Brief Stay in Maui

Never-Never Land: A Brief Stay in Maui

The chances that I was getting on the plane were looking good as I waited for my name to appear on the “cleared” list … read more

Park Crews

Park Crews

Have you ever wondered what it takes to be a member of the park crew at a resort? Well kids, today I, Helen Wade, Brighton Ski Resort park-crew member since 2006, will reveal the secrets of becoming a member of the Terrain Park Crew. … read more

North Face Masters Big Mountain Snowboard Tour

North Face Masters Big Mountain Snowboard Tour

It has been said that lately the competitive side of the snowboard industry has been wearing blinders, focusing mostly on railjams, halfpipe contests, slopestyle events and the occasional big air contest, with little to no focus on big mountain riding. A decent percentage of every magazine, video and website feature professional riders getting nasty on gnarly terrain, but open entry big mountain contests are few and far between when compared to the barrage of railjams and halfpipe contests … read more

Books Aloud – March 2008

Books Aloud – March 2008

I Got Thunder, Punk 365 and more are reviewed for your intellectual wants and needs. … read more