Absinthe Films: The Joy of Snowboarding

Absinthe Films: The Joy of Snowboarding

Get ready for Ready––Absinthe Films’ new projectthat features some of the best snowboarders in thebusiness. This year Absinthe will kick off its thirdyear of The Sphere of Influence Tour. This tour willmake its way through 21 major cities, with Salt LakeCity being the first banger stop! So seriously… getready. You’ll be left astounded and wemay even have to peel you out of thetheater––the riding is going to be thatgood. … read more

Beer Reviews – August 2008

Beer Reviews – August 2008

When it comes to wit bier, everyone’s first thought is Blue Moon. But, because I have a palate that refuses to digest fecal matter and rotting fruit, I felt the need to produce a line-up of reviews of decent Belgian wits that are locally grown and actually taste like they should. … read more

Video Game Reviews – August 2008

Video Game Reviews – August 2008

Game review for Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots and Rock Band. … read more

Books Aloud – August 2008

Books Aloud – August 2008

Books reviewed by the braniacs @ SLUG Magazine. … read more

Inversion Trawler: MURGATROID, THE DISEMBODIED FLAPPER – August 2008

Inversion Trawler: MURGATROID, THE DISEMBODIED FLAPPER – August 2008

Apparently we’ve got ourselves a spirit guide of sorts. Aunt Leona brought us the news in full dramatic Leona-excito-flutter. Her white Chrysler Le Baron convertible screeched to a halt in front of our house, and we heard the rapid and distinctive click-click-click of her open-toed heels along our front walk as she hurried to our front door. Boo and I were sitting in our side garden, just out of view of the front walk, so I called out, “Ahoy there Aunt Leona.” … read more

Mike Brown: The Girl’s Room

Mike Brown: The Girl’s Room

I got a new job working the door at a local club. I won’t say which clubbecause it’s really messy in there and a health inspector could be readingthis. I’ll just say it’s more of a venue than a bar, gets loud and sweaty onthe weekends, and has some of the fastest bartenders in the west. If youorder a Kamikaze there, the barkeep is done making it by the time youfinish saying the word “Kamikaze.” … read more


s a former vegetarian of 12 years (the last four as a pescatarian), Iam still reveling in my recent return to the land of carnivores. Everymenu has become a wonderland of murderous choices. Aside fromthe occasional fine dining spot and ghetto ethnic hole in the wall, mostof the meat I eat is a little disappointing. The chicken too dry, the beeftoo tough or just plain flavorless and pork that tastes rancid. … read more

What a Splendid Morning for  Zombie Stroll

What a Splendid Morning for Zombie Stroll

What Sunday street spectacle would creep out a Salt LakeCity resident�more than any other? If you said “a gaypride parade” then you probably think that a gun rack isan essential car accessory and you’re voting for McCain.Speaking of pasty-faced people who speak incoherentlyand walk stiffly, want to know what would really freak meout? … read more

At Home With The Ghosts

At Home With The Ghosts

The Midwest Paranormal Conference as a Forum for Paranormal Investigation … read more

Pomp and Circumstance: SLC Pomp Brings Salt Lake Into Focus

Pomp and Circumstance: SLC Pomp Brings Salt Lake Into Focus

One would be hard-pressed to find morefunctional friends with benefits than fashionand blogging�the constant flow of a widevariety of looks and styles from around theworld are closely monitored and documentedby a tight group of well-known fashion blogs.Both are universally criticized, and allow for theproliferation of terribly misguided creativity. … read more