Books Aloud! – November 2008

Books Aloud! – November 2008

A bunch of books get reviewed, which is cool… right? … read more

Beer Reviews – November 2008

Beer Reviews – November 2008

The Germans know their shit when it comes to beer. When U.S. brewers make beers styled off of these age-tested brews, it proves their skilled abilities in the art of craft brewing. Lucky for us, we have the best damn brewers in the nation to front this killer German styling. … read more

Product Reviews – November 2008

Product Reviews – November 2008

 Decks, clothes, DVDs and more get reviewed! … read more

What to Do When You’re Not Skating

What to Do When You’re Not Skating

If you think skating is your whole life, get over it. Alcohol is an alcoholic’s whole life. Drugs, gambling and sex are an addict’s whole life. Do you really want to pigeonhole yourself with these fucktards? … read more

Skate Park Etiquette 101

Skate Park Etiquette 101

Remember kids, it’s O.K. to fuck off. … read more

Sunday Break

Sunday Break

It was another Sunday morning when the crew decided to mount up and sail south to a divine land of skateboard delight. … read more

The Las Vegas Skedaddle: A Weekend Trip

The Las Vegas Skedaddle: A Weekend Trip

The party only lasted a half an hour or so but then we headed over to Jay Cooper’s house and continued to play beer pong and poker till pretty early in the morning.  … read more

Painting the Town Red with Mike Murdock

Painting the Town Red with Mike Murdock

I don’t know if I’d call it stealth, it’s definitely not intentional. In fact, it positively tickles me pink being able to share my art with others.  … read more

Your Adventure is About to Depart: An Evening at The Mayan

Your Adventure is About to Depart: An Evening at The...

The seven-year-old only took a couple of bites of her Bow-tie Pasta and Cheese ($4.95) while her mom complained about the cold meat on her skewers of Shrimp and Beef Medallions ($9.25). … read more

My Saturday with the Mormons

My Saturday with the Mormons

Now that I’m older, my sisters are all married and have turned themselves into baby-spewing vending machines. They are spitting live fetuses out faster than machine gun bullets. And every time a new baby enters the world, they gotta bless it and I’m obligated to go to church for these events. … read more