Princess Kennedy: Gettin’ Gay Married

Princess Kennedy: Gettin’ Gay Married

The Mormon church, no matter how disgusting, hateful and influential they were, should not be the only ones targeted. A poll in California showed that the largest supporters for Prop 8 were people over 65, Asians and African Americans … read more

Bucolic Slur of Lilacs: Dame Darcy

Bucolic Slur of Lilacs: Dame Darcy

When I was 10 years old and living in Idaho Falls, I had this ridiculous three-wheeled bicycle that my dad welded together so I could pedal my little siblings around the neighborhood. … read more

Never Mind The Service: Dinner at Shanghai Cafe

Never Mind The Service: Dinner at Shanghai Cafe

Tucked away in an aging stripmall right off hooker alley on the northeast corner of 1300 south and State Shanghai Cafe simultaneously offers some of the worst service in town and some the most addictive vegetarian food I’ve ever eaten. … read more

Books Aloud! – December 2008

Books Aloud! – December 2008

Some books are read critically and then people write words about them. … read more

Beer Reviews – December 2008

Beer Reviews – December 2008

SLUG reviews some of this season’s beer offerings. … read more

Dear Dickheads – December 2008

Dear Dickheads – December 2008

Dear Disgruntled SLUG Reader,
Gotta’ look good to get treated good, sucka! Grow an ironic mustache, get some deep American apparel V’s and skinny jeans then ride to the bar on your fix gear bike––and see how quickly that bar tender changes his attitude. … read more

Inversion Trawler: Love Infinity – November 2008

Inversion Trawler: Love Infinity – November 2008

I glanced back to see Leona desperately trying to detour Tempest and Boo down an aisle while loudly whispering, “Don’t talk to him. PAHLEEEASE don’t talk to him!” … read more