Beer Reviews – January 2009

Beer Reviews – January 2009

Let’s face it, the only way to get through the winter months is to drink profuse amounts of alcohol. So the new line up is going to be anything above your standard percentile of alcohol to keep you warm in the winter months. Hopefully, this will introduce you to new styles, the art of aging beer and hopefully leave you with a killer hangover. With the higher alcohol, please do your best to kick off the new year. And since this is SLUG, we don’t need to tell you to drink responsibly … … read more

Product Reviews – January 2009

Product Reviews – January 2009

This month SLUG reviews tequila, phone cases, v neck shirts and a whole lot more. … read more

Sarah Phillips

Sarah Phillips

By the end of April I’ve usually had enough goddamn snow to hold me over until a visit to the southern hemisphere in August (sometimes longer). But at the end of last season this limey Sarah Philips would not stop blowing up my phone. … read more

WHY ENTERTAINMENT AND SOCIAL ACTIVISM ARE NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE: A Conversation with the Yes Men about their Film, The Yes Men Fix the World, Playing the Sundance Film Festival.


Combine the social disruption and confusion of culture jammers Improv Everywhere with the social awareness of Noam Chomsky, frame it as entertainment in a manner similar to Ali G, and you have a rough idea of how the Yes Men operate. This year at the Sundance Film Festival, The Yes Men’s new film, The Yes Men Fix the World, highlights the group’s illustrious pranks over the last five years. … read more

Mike Brown: Top 5 Music Genres I Hate

Mike Brown: Top 5 Music Genres I Hate

I don’t know what it is about writing, but for me it’s usually much easier to write about all the things I hate. In the spirit of the yearly top fives I thought I would write about my most hated top five music genres. … read more

I Can’t Always be an Asshole: I Fell in Love With Tandoor

I Can’t Always be an Asshole: I Fell in Love...

Because of my unhealthy obsession with spicy food and being married to a vegetarian, Indian food has long been a staple in restaurant choices for me. I long ago found favorite dishes and favorite spots, so when a friend of mine told me he had a new favorite Indian place, my curiosity was piqued and I decided to stray from my usual routine and give the place a try. … read more

How I Spent My Christmas/Hanukkah/ Winter Solstice Vacation

How I Spent My Christmas/Hanukkah/ Winter Solstice Vacation

Jesus Christ––I’m glad your birthday is over. What kind of bullshit is X-mas in a recession? Normally, I’m quite the festive Tranny, but I found this year to lack the zenith held in Christmas past. My mom and dad gave me one of my alltime favorite presents: They left town. … read more

La Vita Vivace: Funkified Classical

La Vita Vivace: Funkified Classical

Vivace represents a turn in the arts––the supposed inaccessible realms of high culture are now approaching youth and subcultures unabashedly in efforts to maintain support for the arts for generations to come. … read more

Repo! Repossessing The Modern Rock Opera

Repo! Repossessing The Modern Rock Opera

Picture the future: it’s the year 2056. The medical companies are thriving, financing any and all operations imaginable. Kidneys, eyes, spines, faces, breasts—you name it. However, congress has just made it legal for organs to be repossessed, so miss a payment and a man will show up at your door to take back that liver and whatever else you signed up for. Now that you’ve got a clear vision in your head, there’s only one thing left to do: put it to music. … read more

If Not Now, When?

If Not Now, When?

Eric Tanner expected 30 or 40 people to show up to his poetry book pre-release party at nobrow coffee and tea on Dec. 15, but over 150 people ended up attending. He tells me this happily, his sentences choppy, peppered with a strange cadence, the meaning blunt. You could say his poetry follows suit, gets straight to the heart of a matter, imbued with a simplicity that knows the most important question in poetry is, “How much can I cut and get away with?” … read more