Princess Kennedy: Boys Suck! – July 2009

Princess Kennedy: Boys Suck! – July 2009

It seems like an entire decade since I sat down at the computer to write my last article. I’m actually surprised I haven’t suffered some kind of alcohol-related syndrome from my traveling to pride festivals around the country. … read more

A Punk Rocker’s Tale: Tall Bike Jousting in SLC

A Punk Rocker’s Tale: Tall Bike Jousting in SLC

The Tall Bike Joust held on May 15 is Salt Lake’s third joust and most popular freak bike event. Attracting citizens and cyclists from all walks of life—including hobos and cops—it can’t be described as less than epic. There’s just one question: What the fuck is tall bike jousting?! … read more

Good Times with Alex Hinton

Good Times with Alex Hinton

Ten years ago, Colby Burleson and Clint Marvin left Susie M’s to open Good Times Tattoo. SLUG recently had the chance to speak with Hinton about his experiences in the world of tattooing, as well as the tenth anniversary of Good Times Tattoo. … read more

Dear Dickheads – July 2009

Dear Dickheads – July 2009

I work at a local bar in Salt Lake, and while I thoroughly enjoy my position as a server, I am sick and tired of all the douche trains that come in and walk around like they own the place. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Froot Beer – June 2009

Princess Kennedy: Froot Beer – June 2009

I’ve never lived in a place that holds beer in such a high regard as the 801. Even my own family was the bootleggin’, hooch makin’ kind. … read more

Local Legend Tully Flynn

Local Legend Tully Flynn

Tully Flynn has been in the epicenter of the local skate scene for over a decade. He was around for the Dirty Hessian days. … read more

Let’s Have a Drink! Let’s Have a Thousand Drinks!

Let’s Have a Drink! Let’s Have a Thousand Drinks!

I wanted to go on a solo skate mission like I did back in the days when I lived in a small town and was constantly driving to the city in search of spots. I had a few friends in San Jose I’ve skated with in the past, so I was planning on getting some shredding done. … read more

Epically Awesome

Epically Awesome

Whenever I go on skate trips, I try to keep low expectations, just so anything that happens is better than I ever expected it to be. … read more

Skatetiquette – June 2009

Skatetiquette – June 2009

Drinking beer while skating is probably one of the worst ideas on the planet. It’s also a necessity, because beer and skating go hand in hand. … read more

Homebrew Recipes from Salt Lake’s Finest

Homebrew Recipes from Salt Lake’s Finest

Although brewing has now become their career, a decent amount of SLC’s local brewers still brew at home on a weekly basis. … read more