Dew Tour: Andy Macdonald

Dew Tour: Andy Macdonald

The Dew Tour will be hitting Salt Lake City this weekend, and we caught up with vert legend Andy Macdonald to get his thoughts on the event. … read more

Madonnaʼs Celebration Video

Madonnaʼs Celebration Video

  “Celebration” is punctuated by very quick shots interlaced together, culminating in a gathering/party of the dancers of her recently wrapped “Sticky & Sweet Tour.” Madonna, of course, is center stage throughout.

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Video Game Reviews – September 2009

Video Game Reviews – September 2009

This month features video game reviews of Blueberry Garden, The Conduit, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift and Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen … read more

Dear Dickheads – September 2009

Dear Dickheads – September 2009

This month, SLUG’s talented staff of dickheads take on Fixie Fake-ster Haters, U92 DJs, residents of Roy City and a slovenly fellow named Pete. … read more

Inversion Trawler: Sister Polka Leviathan

Inversion Trawler: Sister Polka Leviathan

Our first encounter with Polka Leviathan was monumental. Physically, she is a larger woman, but her presence is enormous. Cumorah suddenly appeared like a wraith next to me and in a loud and appalled whisper, spat out, “Sister Leviathan, you MUST modify your posture!  It is indecent!”
  … read more

Beer Reviews – September 2009

Beer Reviews – September 2009

I have not had a chub for beer like this since they said The Rêve was coming back. Why am I so giddy, you ask? Well, that’s simple–the craft beer scene in Utah has hit an all-time high in my book. We are seeing the release of new styles of beer that years ago were just a dream in a Utah brewer’s recipe book. … read more

Book Reviews – September 2009

Book Reviews – September 2009

Ancient Gonzo Wisdom, I Lick My Cheese, Precious Metal and The Sun Also Rises (classy!) are reviewed this month. … read more

Product Reviews – September 2009

Product Reviews – September 2009

Product reviews, including products from F1ND, Velo City Bags, Jansport and Shogo. … read more

The Princess and the Pro

The Princess and the Pro

People constantly ask me how I keep my lithe stature and showgirl calfs. My answer is as simple as my regimen: a mix of bicycling with light jazz-handing on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I’m an avid cyclist 365 days. Like, haven’t-owned-a-car-in-15 years, rode-my-bike-across-Europe-twice kind of enthusiast. … read more

Fistfuck Facebook

Fistfuck Facebook

Facebooking fits well with the theme I gave my life for year number thirty, which is to become everything I’ve ever hated so I can find more things to like. So I bought a fixed-gear bike, an iPhone, and a couple of V-necks. Now I know how to update my FB status on the nations fastest 3G network while doing a track stand and exposing my three chest hairs … read more