DIY Concrete Mixing

DIY Concrete Mixing

I can’t count the number of “Almost Spots” I’ve seen since I’ve been skating that just need a little elbow grease—Bondo, filed down knobs, angle iron, a piece of plywood to land on, or some transition—to become skateable. With this in mind, I bring you step by step instructions on mixing your own concrete and shaping some transition. … read more



The wasteland of pavement and cement are more or less glorified playgrounds and we do not understand why people are so fucking stupid that they don’t see this simple truth as well.  I bought my first skateboard 15 long years ago.  I progressed slowly without the aid of cement facilities or social support.  No matter, I rode the bus route 8 on epic adventures the boys and me coined as DTX: down town motherfuckin’ extravaganza. … read more

SFK Man Zone

SFK Man Zone

Simon Larson has recently been putting a lot of his creative energy into building custom motorcycles. From this passion was created the “Man Zone,” a garage in the back of their house where you can find anywhere from one to 15 people skating and working on bikes. … read more

The Blue Collar of Odeus Skateboards

The Blue Collar of Odeus Skateboards
By ,

The concept for Odeus started with Alex Lemons skating in the mid 80s when the only board options were a plastic banana board or a Powell Peralta.  The banana boards were poor quality and the Peralta was expensive. “There was no in-between option. I was going to be the guy that made that third option.” … read more

Fighting Back at Black Friday

Fighting Back at Black Friday

Vancouver illustrator/cartoonist Ted Dave first conceived Buy Nothing Day in 1992.  According to him, the idea occurred while working a routine 40-hour-a-week job in a downtown Vancouver office.  “I was coming away at the end of the day and saying, ‘oh my god I just spent ten dollars on coffee and muffins again. What’s the matter with me?'” … read more

Dinobots “Never Gonna Get It” Premiere at Westminster

Dinobots “Never Gonna Get It” Premiere at Westminster

The Dinobot premieres their first video “Never Gonna Get it” at Westminster … read more

Sister Spit @ The Sponge Bar

Sister Spit @ The Sponge Bar

Sister Spit is a touring troop of queer literary performance artists. SS was in part founded by Michelle Tea, one of San Francisco’s more distinguished and prolific queer writers. This all-female punky fan of writers first started trekking across the globe in the 90s, and have recently regrouped as Sister Spit: The Next Generation to tour across Europe and the U.S., including a stop in Salt Lake City at the Sponge Bar. … read more

Bicycle Film Festival in SLC

Bicycle Film Festival in SLC

On October 2-3, Salt Lake City was fortunate enough to host a stop of the first annual Bicycle Film Festival. Featuring films to satisfy every style of cyclist out there, the festival screenings ranged from bmx shorts to full-length mountain bike documentaries. … read more

Plan-B Theatre-Radio Hour: Alice

Plan-B Theatre-Radio Hour: Alice

Disney’s interpretation of Alice In Wonderful added enough fluff to make the twisted story easy to swallow for generations to come. Matthew Ivan Bennett, who wrote the Radio Hour adaptation, had something else in mind—something much more twisted, more graphic, and much more intense.  … read more

The Great American Beer Fest

The Great American Beer Fest

Imagine the funnest, awesomest, most craziest playground ever.  Got it? Now imagine that instead of sand on the ground, there’s concrete.  Not very safe, but probably a lot better than sand because all the stuff to play with in this playground has to do with drinking beer.  … read more