Photo Feature: Dan Brisse

Photo Feature: Dan Brisse

Dan called me up and told me about a 40-stair straight rail he wanted to do in Salt Lake and I couldn’t for the life of me think of where one of those would be. Every rail in this town has been mapped out and sessioned heavily over the years. Having only lived here a few years, Dan sees things through fresh eyes. That, and he’s one determined dude when it comes to making stuff happen. … read more

Missionary Position: The Colt Bowden Saga Continues

Missionary Position: The Colt Bowden Saga Continues

Colt Bowden has a deep, throbbing relationship with his skateboard. When asked what motivates his raw-dog approach, he said, “The push.” When he grabs his wood and throws down, you can tell he’s putting passion into every thrust he musters. Bowden likens skateboarding to jazz music. He’s most happy when improvisational poetry is coming out on the streets. Bowden tells me that he is intensely familiar with every crack on his block, and penetrates them often during daily rides. … read more

Oh, Bill Burroughs, How I Heart Thee

Oh, Bill Burroughs, How I Heart Thee

For my SLUG article this month, I talked the editors into letting me use Burroughs’s cut up method. So if this article doesn’t make any sense to you, drop some acid and read it again. Trust me, it will work. … read more

Battling H8

Battling H8

It’s only been 14 months since Proposition 8 (a.k.a. the California Marriage Protection Act) sought and garnered enough voters to concur that “only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California” thereby abolishing same-sex marriage and voiding previously conducted nuptials. Director Reed Cowan’s new film, 8: The Mormon Proposition, chronicles the Mormon Church’s involvement and will premiere at this year’s Sundance Film Festival. … read more

Sometimes I Wonder About Team Thunder

Sometimes I Wonder About Team Thunder

Team Thunder will continue to set the bar high in creativity while having fun, which is the driving force behind their passion for slashin’. … read more

William S. Burroughs & Yony Leyser: Men Within

William S. Burroughs & Yony Leyser: Men Within

A Man Within is a mandatory viewing for anyone interested in social change, the arts, the Beat era and literature in general. … read more

The Real Secret of Magic: Guinness World Record Holder Jeff McBride and Salt Lake City’s Emerging Magical Renaissance

The Real Secret of Magic: Guinness World Record Holder Jeff...

Jeff McBride is a living magician. His performance stretches beyond illusion and into spirituality and the mystery of life, which is part of why he has become so respected as an entertainer. It’s been more than 10 years since the last time he stood on stage in our humble town, and the magic community came together over the weekend of Dec. 11-13 to see him in. … read more

X-Dance 2010: Celebrating Ten Years of Action Sports

X-Dance 2010: Celebrating Ten Years of Action Sports

I don’t know about you but I love festivals. I’m serious, I absolutely love them. I can remember back in the day attending the Warped Tour to see a bunch of fellow punks come together in unison to kick the shit out of the man (or each other). Or the Phish festivals where a dozen hundred Hippies take a bunch of drugs together and spread free love all over the place, including your own blanket (you still disgust me). I mean these things are fantastic, from a writer’s point of view anyway. That being said it’s with my great pleasure to welcome back to Salt Lake City: X-Dance! … read more

Dear Dickheads – December 2009

Dear Dickheads – December 2009

This month, the SLUG dickheads address questions regarding the virtues of paying for a free publication and explore the many wonders of lube. … read more

Video Game Reviews – December 2009

Video Game Reviews – December 2009

This month we review Forza Motorsport 3, Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 and Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Get your geek on. … read more