Blood From a Stone – Review

Blood From a Stone – Review

“Justice rides shotgun, ‘cus that bitch is blind.” -Sean Sharpstone, Ironic Action Hero … read more

$99 Specials

$99 Specials

To produce a film for no more than $99 in 99 days or less is damn hard. It’s the kind of thing you just can’t do for any reason other than the love. … read more

12th & Delaware – Review

12th & Delaware – Review

In 1991 an abortion clinic opened on the corner of 12th & Delaware in Fort Pierce, Florida. In 1999 a pro-life anti-abortion clinic, designed to look like it might be an abortion clininc, opened directly across the street. … read more

The Man Next Door – Review

The Man Next Door – Review

Leonardo is a successful industrial designer who lives in an equally exceptional home with his wife and daughter. The home is modern and minimal, featuring lots of windows and open space without feeling as though it were pulled from an Ikea catalogue. … read more

Life 2.0 – Review

Life 2.0 – Review

Life 2.0 is a must-see for every video game nerd, tech-head, chat room user, reality TV watcher and social networking addict. This movie educates and explains almost everything about Second Life (SL), the virtual reality website. … read more

And Everything is Going Fine – Review

And Everything is Going Fine – Review

Stephen Soderbergh’s first documentary premiered at Slamdance with aplomb and a bit of heartstring strumming. Spalding Gray, the subject of this documentary, left a family behind after his disappearance/assumed suicide in 2004. … read more

Down Terrace – Review

Down Terrace – Review

British director Ben Wheatley (Modern Toss, IDEAL) shreds the preconceptions surrounding modern UK gangster fare (no Guy Richie-isms here) in this great drama. … read more

Drones – Review

Drones – Review

One of the biggest crowd-pleasers of Slamdance 2010, this film uses actors and location to craft something unique in American cinema. … read more

His & Hers – Review

His & Hers – Review

In an attempt to create a cohesive story by using a group of random females and the men in their lives, director Ken Wardrop chronologically profiles 70 different Irish women in various stages of life. … read more

Obselidia – Review

Obselidia – Review

As technology renders objects obsolete with increasing speed, we realize more quickly that nothing lasts forever. George, an introverted yet studious librarian, spends his off-hours documenting all things archaic. … read more