Dear Dickheads – March 2010

Dear Dickheads – March 2010

Gypsies are attacked and Princess Kennedy is defended by SLUG’s team of devoted dickheads. … read more

Beer Reviews – March 2010

Beer Reviews – March 2010

“What the fuck is that?” This is the general statement I get if I have some Zion Canyon Brewing Company beer in my fridge. Based out of Springdale, Utah at the mouth of Zion Canyon, Dale Harris (Head Brewer) and his brother Derek opened the brewery in 2005. They have five styles regularly in production (Amber, IPA, ESB, Lager and Stout) and are introducing their newest seasonal in late February. … read more

Book Reviews – March 2010

Book Reviews – March 2010

This month SLUG reviews books about the Red Hot Chili Peppers, Marilyn Monroe and The Stooges. Give a hoot: read a book. … read more

Video Game Reviews – March 2010

Video Game Reviews – March 2010

This month Army of Two: The 40th Day, Dirt 2 and The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks are reviewed. … read more

Product Reviews – March 2010

Product Reviews – March 2010

We review brand spankin’ new products from S4 Optics, 32 Outerwear, Eskuche, VhoidR and Ergophobia Clothing. … read more

Photo Feature: Robbie Walker

Photo Feature: Robbie Walker

Wall rides are pretty fickle tricks. The basic variety have been pretty played out the last few years, but with a bit of creativity and/or consequence involved, there is still quite a bit of value in this type of maneuver. Robbie Walker surprised a lot of people with his urban boarding skills this past winter and maybe not more so than with this high-to-low wallride session. … read more

Nikita Chickita

Nikita Chickita

Brighton resort was the place to be Feb. 20 where the Nikita Chickita all-girls snowboard competition, sponsored by Skullcandy, ShredBetties and Nikita (of course), took place at the lower Majestic terrain park.  With over 40 riders competing for a $2000 total prize purse for the Pros and a 1-year Nikita flow-sponsorship contract up for grabs for the Ams. These riders were stoked and ready to show some of the best female snowboarding around today. … read more

Milk and Cookies

Milk and Cookies

The keeper of this kingdom is Spencer England and behind the hanger doors lay the formations of his imagination, coined “Milk and Cookies.” Before you go blabbering on about how your friend has a mini ramp too, let me set something straight—there is no other ramp out there as pristine and diverse as this one and I’m still just talking about the ramp. I haven’t even mentioned the big screen TV, climbing wall, man-sized BBQ grill and arcade games. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Sober Sister Part 2 – March 2010

Princess Kennedy: Sober Sister Part 2 – March 2010

When we last left off I was embarking on a thirty-day sobriety plan in honor of my besty, Gorgeous Jared. It was a great way to learn which of my friends actually read my column. The ones that asked me (almost with joy) if my club soda was actually vodka and the ones that were confused as to why I wasn’t drinking. All in all there are a lot of folks in SLC that monitor my party habits. You’re all dying to know how it went, aren’t you? I fucked up three times. … read more

Mike Brown: Stupid Girls

Mike Brown: Stupid Girls

It’s no big secret that I work at a club that a lot of loyal SLUG readers frequent. I can understand why people think that I see tons of awesome shows there. Those people go there when they want to go. I go there when I have to. I still like the job, but last week there were two bands that were particularly shitty. The quality of their behavior was as terrible as their music. These two bands were The Magic Kids and Girls. … read more