Princess Kennedy: Clan Kennedy – April 2010

Princess Kennedy: Clan Kennedy – April 2010

I spend so much time hogging the spotlight that I feel it’s necessary to share a little secret: I’m not the only Kennedy in town. I inhabit this geographical stage with two other bright and shining stars. If you’re out enough you probably know my niece and nephew Anna and Wren Kennedy. We’re all extremely tall, very loud and bestowed with beautiful bedroom eyes. Our clansmen being musically gifted, Wren and Anna are working it out to take my torch and make us the Osmonds of punk. … read more

Food Review: Red Iguana – April 2010

Food Review: Red Iguana – April 2010

When locals want to take their out-of-town guests to a great Salt Lake restaurant, the place where they very often end up is the Red Iguana. One of the most famous and best-loved restaurants in town, the Iguana has, over the years, developed a local cult following and a national reputation. When the City Weekly and Salt Lake Tribune recently did their yearly list of the best restaurants and both omitted the Red Iguana, the outpouring of protest mail was immense and heartfelt.

 Obviously, this legendary place has personality. … read more

Photo Feature: Chris Grenier

Photo Feature: Chris Grenier

Every year, I think I’ve taken my last photo at the rail garden but somehow this place just keeps producing shots. I had just gotten home the day before from a long, somewhat disappointing trip to the midwest in search of this very kind of snowboarding. I was up at Brighton taking some soul runs to get the stoke back and got a call from Grenier to come shoot something at the rail garden. … read more

See You at The Crossroads

See You at The Crossroads

Winter sucks for the majority of people except snowboarders and people that are affiliated in the snowboard or winter industry. So what is a guy to do if he doesn’t have a mini ramp in his garage or a key to the local snowboard company’s warehouse(the majority of which have minis ramps)? Well, before Crossroads Skatepark in Ogden, we as wood pushers didn’t really have anything since Union in Sandy closed, but now we are saved. … read more

13 Cholos: The Devils Dozen Does Zion

13 Cholos: The Devils Dozen Does Zion

The undoubtedly unlucky number 13 and its 2000-year legacy lives on. Stemming from the original posse of Jesus and his 12 disciples makes 13, and a crew of 13 witches makes a coven. We rolled 13 deep to a land the locals call Zion. A mini Mormon Vegas, the righteous flock to this Deseret oasis. Heaven on earth it is. The land and the atmosphere brought us near tears. … read more

Todd Barry: Amused to Death

Todd Barry: Amused to Death

Todd Barry has been on stage for just over 20 years, mocking life’s ridiculousness with his recognizable cadence of mellow, tranquil delivery. His comedy, which he describes as “super flashy with many ‘bells and whistles’ to keep you focused” is not for everyone. He doesn’t yell his punch lines at the top of his lungs, or work up a sweat stomping around on stage waving his arms. Instead, he takes on a role similar to the guy you may have heard sitting in the back of class making sarcastic comments about everything he sees and hears. … read more

Mike Brown Meets CJ Miles

Mike Brown Meets CJ Miles

I know what you are thinking: Mike Brown somehow tricked a Jazz player by the name of CJ Miles to buy him dinner at the Cheesecake Factory just so he could meet Deron Williams and sit in CJ’s Escalade. So not true! First off, I did not sit in the Escalade. I did lean against it though. And this story is not about D-Will, he just happened to be eating cheesecake at the same spot as us.  But D-Will did come up to our table during the interview and I said something stupid in front of him.  … read more

Beehive Bazaar

Beehive Bazaar

Crafting. If you haven’t heard of the new generation of crafters, the word itself can conjure up images of a granny with knitting needles making pastel fuzzy sweaters. The Beehive Bazaar, produced and founded by Noelle Olpin and the husband-wife team Molly and Duane Call, is a craft fair for those trendy crafters cleverly disguised as mothers, girlies and possibly the cute boy in the freshly screen-printed tee. … read more

One More Year of Making Things Awkward

One More Year of Making Things Awkward

On paper, Brian Staker isn’t exactly who you’d expect to host the usually multi-hour, sometimes drunken podcast that is The Awkward Hour. Staker holds a BA in English and an MFA in Creative Writing, from the University of Utah. He has also served time as a SLUG Associate Editor, is a current writer for City Weekly and hosts a weekly music feature on KRCL. It seems like he has spent his entire life preparing for The Awkward Hour. … read more

SLUG Games: Beat the Pro

SLUG Games: Beat the Pro

If you happened to be a pro snowboarder or skier at Park City Mountain Resort on March 6, then it was your unlucky day as the best unknowns from around the valley were standing by to take you down in the second annual SLUG Games Beat the Pro, presented by Scion and Yudu. … read more