Utah Beer Guide

Utah Beer Guide

Today Utah is proud to call itself home to 19 microbreweries—many of which produce award-winning brews year after year. So the next time someone tells you that there is nowhere to get a drink in the land of Zion, whip out this handy guide and let the naysayers know what’s up. … read more

The Hilltop Aces vs. Railway Banditas

The Hilltop Aces vs. Railway Banditas

With only three jams of the bout played, the Railway Banditas were up by 20 points. It was looking pretty bad for the Hilltop Aces for the majority of the first half. The Aces really only had one jammer scoring the majority of their points–Over 25 of the points could be attributed to her, while the other jammers had less than ten points each to their names. … read more

Hannibal Buress plays SLC

Hannibal Buress plays SLC

 I’m a comic in a city that really doesn’t give that much of a shit about comedy.  I’m just as much to blame.  I don’t go to many shows.  Here in Salt Lake City we have four or five great comedy shows a year come through.  That’s really not too many.  We should take advantage of the few that we have.  Doug Stanhope, David Cross, Tig Notaro, just to name a few we have had this year.  The more people that go to these shows, the more great comics we will get in this town.  The more you go to these shows, the less you’ll see some shitty open mic comic that promises the club owner he’ll bring his relatives, and his singles ward to the show.
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Dear Dickheads – June 2010

Dear Dickheads – June 2010

Dearest, Darlingest Dickheads,
Mike Brown’s recent article has brought to my attention that there are Juggalos out there that are curious about the nature and physics of magnets. A simple Google search turned up the relevant information in a Wikipedia article. The following is a rough translation of a Wikipedia article into layman terms. … read more

Book Reviews – June 2010

Book Reviews – June 2010

This month we review Obsolete by Anna Jane Grossman, Sober Living for the Revolution by Gabriel Kuhn and Ultraviolet by Daniel Donahue. … read more

Video Game Reviews – June 2010

Video Game Reviews – June 2010

Alien vs Predator, Left 4 Dead 2: The Passing and Splinter Cell: Conviction are reviewed this month by SLUG’s crack team of video game reviewers. … read more

Product Reviews – June 2010

Product Reviews – June 2010

This month we review a breathalyzer from BacTrack, a PBR-branded tent, Soaperhero Devastated Soap (made with Squatters’ Devastator beer) and a 4-man beer bong funnel from Flipcups. … read more

I Left My Liver in San Francisco

I Left My Liver in San Francisco

I don’t really know how it all happened or where to start, so I’ll start as far back as I can remember. About a year ago, Mike Murdock invited me to a barbeque. But it wasn’t any ordinary barbeque: it was a barbeque to induct me into his gang, which shall henceforth be known as the International Gang of Awesomeness. Not only was I made a member, but I was now privy to all the rights and privileges pertaining to being a member of this gang. … read more

Water Loggin’

Water Loggin’

There are very few things that make for an epic day trip. The crew (one), the vibe (two) and location (three) can make or break a day trip much like a sharp sword can easily slice through skin. Mike Murdock, Sam Milianta, Mark Judd, Adam Dorobiala, Josh Joye, Conor Provenzano, Willy Nevins and myself recently traveled to the west desert to ride the Tree of Life’s (Sculpture by artist Karl Momen) outer wedges just off of I-80. With the first step of a great day trip locked down, it was time to move to the second step: setting the vibe. … read more

The Porter Pipe: Killing the Proverbial Panda

The Porter Pipe: Killing the Proverbial Panda

Ahh, the smell of fresh cut grass. The good lord gave us things like that and other things like half pipes and the American Dream to make life worth living.  While the latter has become a thing of the past—stomped under foot by the big wigs in Washington, greed and anti-Americans everywhere—Kevin Templin, head brewer at Red Rock Brewing Co. in Salt Lake City, has taken it upon himself to make sure his eight-year-old son Porter gets a taste of the glory. In this case, a taste of cold refreshing glory is a three-foot half pipe in his very own backyard. … read more