10 Years of Stoneground

10 Years of Stoneground

At this point, the location of Stoneground really shouldn’t be a secret.  But since it’s tucked away downtown on the second floor of an older building, one that overlooks the Salt Lake Library and a Trax station, it is easy to drive straight by without ever seeing the large rust-colored sign.  In June, Stoneground celebrated its tenth anniversary.  And while this is an incredible feat for any restaurant, it is even more impressive when you consider the eatery’s humble beginnings and the adversity it has faced over the past decade. … read more

A Tale of Two Textiles: Copper Palate Press Prints on It

A Tale of Two Textiles: Copper Palate Press Prints on...

Create a design, apply photo emulsifier onto a screen, attach the design, shoot super-powered light at it, rinse the screen off and start applying paint through the holes the photo emulsifier made: that’s the most basic story of screen printing. But there’s more to the tale for a local woodcut and screenprint artists’ studio: “The goal of art, with all of us, is to communicate with an audience and to make an impression on people,” Cameron Bentley says. … read more

Frosty Darling’s Frosting Fix: The Fourth Annual Cupcake Social

Frosty Darling’s Frosting Fix: The Fourth Annual Cupcake Social

Nothing is worse than a cocktail party.  After squeezing into some spanks to get that slinky dress on, you sit around sipping martinis and trying not to make a pig out of yourself at the snack bar as you casually converse with a bunch of pretentious yuppies. Gentry Blackburn, owner of Frosty Darling, is getting you out of that yuppy mess on July 30 from 5 to 9 p.m. for the Frosty Darling Cupcake Social. A cocktail party gone cupcake, this is an event you won’t want to miss. … read more

True to Form: The Sofa King Interview

True to Form: The Sofa King Interview

When considering the symbolic nature of the rat in parallel with Willy Nevins, it becomes obvious why his alias is “Ratchild.” His art, music, skateboarding and writings are the proverbial foods for you to devour. Infected with the disease of creation, he rapidly spreads it through the streets he scurries through. … read more

Skirting the Mainstream is Just More Fun: An Introduction to the Alternative Press Collection

Skirting the Mainstream is Just More Fun: An Introduction to...

On the second floor of the Salt Lake City Library near the fiction reference desk and the periodical section, a handful of shelves hold approximately 2,500 zines––one of the largest public alternative press collections in the country. Unfortunately, if you weren’t looking for it … it’s unlikely that you’d ever know it was there. … read more

SLC Dunk X-Change @ FICE 05.22.10

SLC Dunk X-Change @ FICE 05.22.10

I swear that Salt Lake City has a sneaker culture. It may hold the record for being the smallest, but hot damn, it’s there. On May 22, FICE hosted the SLC Dunk X-Change. I have had a love/hate relationship with sneakers for years but even so, I have been to an overwhelming amount of sneaker releases (enough to be considered a true sneaker nerd) and have even found my share of low-key skate shops with nice accounts.  … read more

Dark Arts Festival: Haus Party 10

Dark Arts Festival: Haus Party 10

I have seen way too many B-grade horror films to be totally okay with walking down a flight of rickety wooden stairs into an unfinished basement. I’m here to check out the 10th and final Dark Arts Festival—at least it is the final festival spearheaded by Utah’s Dark Arts Foundation. … read more

SCDG: Salt City Shakers vs. FoCO Micro Bruisers

SCDG: Salt City Shakers vs. FoCO Micro Bruisers

The Micro Bruisers from Fort Collins, Colorado visited Salt Lake City to skate against two of the leagues in the valley, the first of which were the Salt City Shakers on Saturday night followed by Wasatch Roller Derby on Sunday morning. These ladies had to have slept well on the bus ride home because the two Salt Lake leagues challenged their roller derby skills. The Micro Bruisers fought for their points and played well, but they were no match for the local gals.
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Wastach Roller Derby’s Midnight Terror vs. The FoCo Micro Bruisers

Wastach Roller Derby’s Midnight Terror vs. The FoCo Micro Bruisers

The girls from Wasatch Roller Derby’s Midnight Terror stepped onto the track early, obviously prepared for their bout against the Micro Bruisers of Fort Collins, Colorado. The Micro Bruisers had just woken up from their defeat against the Salt City Shakers the night before and seemed to be making some last minute adjustments before the bout began. 

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SCDG: Bomber Babes vs. Leave it to Cleavers

SCDG: Bomber Babes vs. Leave it to Cleavers

Watching teams having fun while playing roller derby is joy to behold and it was obvious to the crowd at the Salt Palace on Saturday night that the Bomber Babes and Leave it to Cleavers enjoy playing each other. This was the second bout of the 2010 season for both home teams.  … read more