The Walking Battleground of Rape: Voices of Survivors

The Walking Battleground of Rape: Voices of Survivors

Shocking, emotional, heartbreaking, but most of all, empowering, Jane tells her story of being sexually abused from the age of two in the recent community art project, Voices: Stories From Survivors of Sexual Violence. This unique audio/visual installation created by sisters Liz and Sarah Coleman in partnership with The Rape Recovery Center features recorded stories of ten survivors of sexual violence compiled in a beautiful work of art. … read more

Salt Lake City Film Festival: No Off Season

Salt Lake City Film Festival: No Off Season

While most people’s attention will be turned towards Park City this January, the organizers of the Salt Lake City Film Festival will be hard at work putting together the third installment of their annual event. Even though this year’s festival doesn’t take place until the end of August, the organizers have been busy expanding their brand and planning for the future, and on December 16, the SLCFF celebrated the opening of submissions for the 2011 festival. … read more

Cinema Franca: Salt Lake City Film Center�s Quest to Bring Together Diverse Communities Through the Language of Film

Cinema Franca: Salt Lake City Film Center�s Quest to Bring...

The Salt Lake City Film Center is committed to “building community through the power of film.” They do this by exposing Salt Lake City to films that it would rarely get to see any other way. The SLFC accomplishes this by screening films that have little or no theatrical distribution. Most of these screenings are free and are designed to bring Salt Lake City’s various populations into conversation with one another by showing films from a variety of voices. … read more

The Screen as  a Campfire:  Salt Lake Film Society�s Conversation Through Film

The Screen as a Campfire: Salt Lake Film Society�s Conversation...

Shortly after I introduce myself to Tori Baker, executive director of the Salt Lake Film Society, she introduces me to the members of the staff. Next, she introduces me to the concessions workers. She familiarizes me with the equipment in the Broadway Centre Cinemas, the SLFS offices and Broadway’s lobby. She introduces me to a space in which I can converse with others about the medium of film and identify the significance of film within our Salt Lake community. … read more

SK801: It’s for the 801

SK801: It’s for the 801

SK801 started about six years ago on a trip to Denver. There was a video contest going on and all the kids wanted to be a part of, but they needed a crew name to enter. Nobody can really say who came up with it, but SK801 was the one that stuck. By the next summer the first SK801 video had dropped. After forming an LLC 7 months ago, and with the concept of having a free park for the community that was supported by a shop instilled in their minds, they started hunting for a space. … read more

Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It

Instead of seeking funds for films based upon 30-page treatments and vocal pitches, the concept of presenting a trailer for a film that doesn’t exist yet has been picking up momentum. In 2007, Robert Rodriguez hosted an international competition at SXSW inviting anyone willing to develop their own fake trailers to participate. Over 2,600 miles away, up-and-coming filmmaker, Jason Eisener and his friends had been forming an idea that was perfect for the contest. … read more

Book Reviews – December 2010

Book Reviews – December 2010

The Best Music Writing of 2010, Body Type 2 and Understand Rap: Explanations of Confusing Rap Lyrics You and Your Grandma Can Understand are reviewed. … read more

Beer Reviews – December 2010

Beer Reviews – December 2010

2010 was a year that the City of Salt saw two new craft breweries, more than enough new seasonals, enough high gravity beer to give you a wedgie, and some damn fine liquor. So for you, we will be highlighting the best of the best that hit market and what I feel best summarized the bad-ass-ness-ocity that is the motherfucking Utah craft scene! … read more

Top 5 Video Games – 2010

Top 5 Video Games – 2010

As much as I try, I can’t play everything. So if you can’t find Super Scribblenauts or Starcraft II or the latest WoW expansion on this list, it is not a reflection of their merit, so much as an indication that I am but one nerd with finite resources.  Don’t be hatin’ … read more

Product Reviews – December 2010

Product Reviews – December 2010

Vision Force Slip-Ons, Elmore Muscle Relief Oil, Sleeptracker Elite wristwatch and Siege Audio Division headphones are reviewed. … read more