Fred & Vinnie

Fred & Vinnie

“Fred & Vinnie” is the true story of a bit actor’s life in LA as his shut-in, baseball card-loving friend moves in to crash on the couch. The unmatched pair of neurotics get on each others’ nerves as only disturbed individuals can—fighting for the bathroom, snore-less sleep, and space of mind. … read more

Beneath Contempt

Beneath Contempt

One mistake behind a wheel while driving can end more than your own life as this feature portrays within the moral obstacle course of blame and death post-manslaughter. Three dead teens and one teen left to blame make for compelling storytelling in this engaging work. … read more

Position Among The Stars

Position Among The Stars

“Position Among The Stars” provides a glimpse into the lives of three generations: grandmother Rumidjah, her son Bakti, and her deceased daughter’s daughter, Tari. This documentary was masterfully filmed. The director and cinematographer Leonard Retel Helmrich did a fine job of accurately displaying Indonesia in an artful way. … read more



“Superheroes” adds to Slamdance’s expanding archive of some of the best non-fiction films we’ve seen at festivals. The cogent work follows the travails and (mis)adventures of real-life superheroes (RLSH) in major cities throughout the US—including the SLC. Characters as silly sounding as Master Legend and Mr. Extreme fight for justice alongside the more seriously dubbed likes of Omen, Conundrum, and a nice Jewish boy named Chaim (life in Hebrew). … read more

The Oregonian

The Oregonian

“The Oregonian” might be the creepiest film I have ever seen. This is probably because Reeder doesn’t employ any of the usual techniques director’s use when attempting to create a disturbing film.  … read more

Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same

Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same

Clearly inspired by the campy late night monster movies of the ‘50s, Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same initially seemed to have potential. The film opened with scenes of an alien space ship that appeared to be two bedazzled pie tins glued together.  … read more

Snow On Tha Bluff

Snow On Tha Bluff

Forget Omar and Stringer Bell – there’s a new gangsta in town.  … read more

Hot Coffee

Hot Coffee

We’ve all heard the tale about the elderly woman, Stella Liebeck, who spilt McDonald’s coffee in her lap while driving and was awarded over $2 million in compensation from the subsequent lawsuit. It was immortalized on “Seinfeld” with the character Kramer enduring a similar accident, which is exactly how “Hot Coffee” opens. … read more



This may be Gavin Wiesen’s feature debut as a director, but it’s blatantly clear he’s been watching and studying Sundance entries for the past 20 years, because nothing contained in his teenage love drama is remotely innovative. George (Freddie Highmore) is your typical independent film protagonist who attends a private school, is provided with an affluent lifestyle and calls his parents and teachers by their first name (how hip of him). … read more

Crime After Crime

Crime After Crime

It’s sickening to think of a world where battered women who fight back against their abusers can be locked up for simply defending themselves. Yes, nowadays victims can seek shelters, but such was not the case in the late 1970s and that fact is exactly why Deborah Peagler was incarcerated and sentenced to 25 years to life for the murder of her boyfriend, Oliver Wilson. … read more