Bikes & Booze

Bikes & Booze

Whatever your preference, it can’t be denied that bicycles and booze make quite the pairing, and it just so happens that this salty city of ours knows how to keep the beer brewing and the pedals pumping in harmony. Whether you’re a hard-core pedal pusher or just a fun-lover looking to add a little endorphin rush to your weekend boozing, read on. … read more

Beer Reviews

Beer Reviews

Well, folks, it’s another beer issue and another year in the ol’ brew log. In the past year, we’ve seen a startup brewery take the Utah craft scene by storm, local breweries take their craft to more states and local drinkers develop a craving for high-point brews and exotic styles. There is no better testament to the quality that Utah breweries can provide than this lineup here. … read more

Which Came First, the Kitchen or the Keg?

Which Came First, the Kitchen or the Keg?

Beer and food pairings have become increasingly common in Utah as more and more interesting beers have come to the marketplace. RedRock Brewing Company brews some of the best beer in the state, and given the state of beer in Utah, that is no small feat. A reliably good restaurant is associated with the brewery and feeds the yawning dining room, which fills the deep, cellar-inspired restaurant space. … read more

SB 314: Fun-Killer

SB 314: Fun-Killer

During the last legislative session, Sen. Valentine introduced Senate Bill 314. This bill proposed several changes to Utah’s already convoluted liquor laws and was objected to by the Downtown Alliance, the Utah Hospitality Association and written without consulting the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Because legalese is not most people’s first language and some of the changes were very subtle, here’s a quick rundown of SB 314’s effects. … read more

SB 314: Fun-Killer

SB 314: Fun-Killer

During the last legislative session, Sen. Valentine introduced Senate Bill 314. This bill proposed several changes to Utah’s already convoluted liquor laws and was objected to by the Downtown Alliance, the Utah Hospitality Association and written without consulting the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control. Because legalese is not most people’s first language and some of the changes were very subtle, here’s a quick rundown of SB 314’s effects. … read more

Stranger Things Have Happened: Interest Bubbles to Create a Utah Brewers Guild

Stranger Things Have Happened: Interest Bubbles to Create a Utah...

“Thirty years ago, who would believe that we’d all be here together, doing what we do … legally,” Charlie Papazian told a group of Utah brewers and brewery owners at Squatter’s Pub on April 12. Papazian, who is often considered one of the founders of the current craft beer movement, visited the brewpub to talk about the benefits (and challenges) of forming a brewers guild. … read more

The Night Shift

The Night Shift

Making beer is a time-consuming process and some companies make so much of it, they have to be running at odd hours to meet demand—sometimes continuously. While most of Utah’s brewing companies aren’t boiling away 24/7, many do have a brewer or two who work a late night or early morning shift. SLUG wanted to see how these beer makers work so we sent three of our favorite photographers to capture the odd shifts at five Utah breweries. … read more

The Night Shift

The Night Shift

Making beer is a time-consuming process and some companies make so much of it, they have to be running at odd hours to meet demand—sometimes continuously. While most of Utah’s brewing companies aren’t boiling away 24/7, many do have a brewer or two who work a late night or early morning shift. SLUG wanted to see how these beer makers work so we sent three of our favorite photographers to capture the odd shifts at five Utah breweries. … read more

Concealed Consumption

Concealed Consumption

I’ve always been an advocate of imbibing throughout the course of the day. However, due to legal limitations imposed by our fine government, I find it rather hard to do so without teetotaling eyes peering down on me. What most people don’t understand is that drinking in public can be a fun and rewarding habit. Here are some tips and tricks I’ve developed to keep myself within my functioning parameters of inebriation through the divine art of concealed consumption in public. … read more

Concealed Consumption

Concealed Consumption

I’ve always been an advocate of imbibing throughout the course of the day. However, due to legal limitations imposed by our fine government, I find it rather hard to do so without teetotaling eyes peering down on me. What most people don’t understand is that drinking in public can be a fun and rewarding habit. Here are some tips and tricks I’ve developed to keep myself within my functioning parameters of inebriation through the divine art of concealed consumption in public. … read more