Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Products from Herschel Supply Co., Nobis, Volley, Zazzle and Dick Towel are reviewed this month. … read more

Shred Flicks

Shred Flicks

This year’s snow films have started to roll out, and we have reviews of All.I.Can, The Art of Flight, Defenders of Awesome/Ammo, Loyalty, The Ordinary Skier, Solitaire, Standing Sideways and Vacation. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla

Beautiful Godzilla

Instead of listening to my slow ass whine about boys and bicycles this month, you have the pleasure of reading my interview with one of Salt Lake’s most badass babes on a bicycle—scratch that—most badass HUMAN pedaling in the Rocky Mountain West: Jessica Gilmore. ’Nuf said. … read more

Dear Dickheads – November 2011

Dear Dickheads – November 2011

Dear Dickheads,
I am at the ripe age of 19. I can stroll into any smoke shop around this town and purchase enough stogies to take out a lung. I can write in whoever the fuck I feel like on a presidential voting ballot. I can get married and start poppin’ out wee ones. You know what I can’t do? Go see a damn band play live. … read more

Family Dinner

Family Dinner

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I’d like to write about family dinners. Thanksgiving weekend is an awesome time of year, unless you work retail or hate your family. It’s a time to teach the children that us white people did not, in fact, fuck over the Indians, because there was an awesome dinner with Pocahontas and Squanto who taught the pilgrims how to gut a turkey or some shit like that. … read more

Welcome to the Kennedoll House

Welcome to the Kennedoll House

Thanksgiving is a day I look forward to. I love to cook, and this is the perfect day to show off my culinary talents. I don’t know what it is about this day that turns this night-clubbing diva into a sentimental ‘50s housewife, but I go all out with the formal place settings and a menu that spans the board from the vegan to the pot eater, and ends in an open house cocktail party. … read more

The Copper Onion: Dinner at a Friend’s House

The Copper Onion: Dinner at a Friend’s House

If I had to eat out every day, and could only pick one place in town to eat at, it would be The Copper Onion. The Copper Onion’s food flies against the wind of contemporary dining—it is simple, serious and from scratch. While one could complain that it is almost sentimentally traditional—think homemade fruit cream pies and hand-minced meat loaf—it’s tradition from a time passed and a place gone. I feel less like I am in a restaurant, and more that I am at a friend’s house, and they really know how to cook the hell out of cooking. … read more

Ozzy Henning: Master of Style and Finesse

Ozzy Henning: Master of Style and Finesse

At Park City Mountain Resort, there’s one snowboarder that stands out from the rest, and his name is Ozzy Henning. Henning’s riding has been raising eyebrows around the Salt Lake Valley for nine years, both on a skateboard and a snowboard. Henning looks more at home on a board than he does on his own two feet, and that says a lot when one considers his extremely technical style. … read more

Watch Out Barbie, It’s Girl In a Coma

Watch Out Barbie, It’s Girl In a Coma

In a world where bleached blondes in heels singing high-fructose garbage are rapidly polluting the airwaves, Girl in a Coma is here to save us with a healthy dose of rock n’ roll. Though Girl in a Coma have the talent and drive to gain rock star success without a fairy godmother, the band’s propulsion into stardom is a true Cinderella story—a brown-eyed, guitar-clad Cinderella with an attitude, that is. … read more

The Time I Interviewed The Queers

The Time I Interviewed The Queers

Here’s a comic about the time I interviewed The Queers for SLUG in 2007. … read more