Dear Dickheads – March 2012

Dear Dickheads – March 2012

Hey Dickheads,
I’m reading the latest copy of your fine publication, and I’m confused, and a little offended by a statement made by you “dickheads”. The statement “if you can buy a band’s shirt at JC Penney, that band sucks,” is a pretty dumb thing to publish. You were referring to Pink Floyd in this instance. I don’t know if you guys just aren’t musicians, or have down syndrome, but Pink Floyd deserves some respect from you hipsters. … read more

Photo Feature: Chris Grenier

Photo Feature: Chris Grenier

Putting foreground elements, such as trees, in front of your lens will often get you mocked by the snowboarders you photograph. “Ohhhhh, look at Andy getting mad artsy with the branches.” Or my favorite, “Art school called and they want their angle back.” Let me set the record straight here: This is not an attempt at getting artsy. … read more

Avante Garde: The Future of Indoor Training at Snogression

Avante Garde: The Future of Indoor Training at Snogression

“Basically, you grab this bar, push the green button and hold on.” These were the words from Snogression owner and innovator, Kevin Brower. I stood atop the synthetic snow in-run, looking towards the kicker and foam pit. My palms began to sweat and my pulse quickened. With a mechanical whoosh, I was hurtling down the “slope” and before I knew it, I was airborne.  Milliseconds later, I came crashing down into the pit. Let’s do it again, and again and again! … read more

A Woman of the World: An Interview with Sibyl Buck

A Woman of the World: An Interview with Sibyl Buck

After over a decade of practicing yoga while pursuing various careers and ambitions, it dawned on Sybil Buck that sharing her love of the practice (and love of life) was truly what she wanted to do. She decided to put in the hours and training to become a certified yoga instructor. “[When I tried it,] I felt at home in my skin in a way that I had never previously felt, or at least not since I was a kid—it was fun,” says Buck. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Night Riders

Beautiful Godzilla: Night Riders

As the weather warms up—Ok, who are we kidding, it never really got cold—my favorite kind of bicycle rides, night rides, become more comfortable and, thus, more frequent. Riding a bike at night is awesome for various reasons: There’s less traffic, the inversion clears out in the winter and it’s cooler in the summer. The number one reason? A lot of fucked up shit goes down with the sun, and your bicycle’s the best saddle in the house to see it all. … read more

Mike Brown’s Official Guide to Sobriety

Mike Brown’s Official Guide to Sobriety

This January, I did something I haven’t done in a long time­—I got sober. I know what you must be thinking: This had to have been court ordered, right? No. There was no rock bottom, no moment of clarity, no family intervention and no admitting I was powerless over a liquid. It was just a simple New Year’s resolution to do a bit of self-reflection. Who knows, maybe I would save some money, too? … read more

Princess Kennedy: Gaybonics

Princess Kennedy: Gaybonics

At the beginning of the year, the 801 was bestowed with the honor of being named the gayest city in America by Advocate Magazine. This came as a shock to parts of the country, but, as I explained it to my friends, we have the most gays per capita, and I think all of Salt Lake already knew how gay we are. I thought that since you are surrounded by gays on every side, Professor Princess could help you converse with us LGBTQs and teach you the new Polari: Gaybonics. … read more

The Garage: Roadhouse Comfort Food

The Garage: Roadhouse Comfort Food

I was impressed by so many things at The Garage: The staff were prompt and courteous and the food and drinks will have you coming back. … read more

SLC Tattoo Convention

SLC Tattoo Convention

SLUG asked local tattoo artists Andrew King (Heart of Gold), Catfish and Eric Sager (Ironclad), Nick Phillips (Loyalty) and Dean Bodily (Lost Art) who they’re stoked for, the work they want to do, and what they anticipate for the ninth annual Salt Lake City International Tattoo Convention, happening March 9-11 at the Salt Palace. … read more

Secret Agent(cy) M(e)n: Unveiling Super Top’s Secret

Secret Agent(cy) M(e)n: Unveiling Super Top’s Secret

Working for a design firm is kind of like being a CIA operative. Everything is on a need-to-know basis. Whom you’re working for and your exact task at hand are between you and the client—everything else is cloak-and-dagger.There is one agent or agency that comes with referrals and recommendations for their expertise in creative intelligence: Super Top Secret. … read more