Dear Dickheads – July 2012

Dear Dickheads – July 2012

Dear Dickheads,
I have been downhill skating since high school and I’m curious why SLUG chooses to shun this scene from the pages of the mag. The action sport section is filled with profiles on street skaters, snowboarders, skiers, occasional bmxers and even fixed gear freestyle kids, but I don’t think SLUG has ever written a piece on the downhill skating scene, which quite frankly, is thriving. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Wal-Mart

Beautiful Godzilla: Gucci Gucci, Louis Louis, Fendi Fendi, Wal-Mart

I was once pretty fashion forward: putting lots of thought into my outfits, makin’ my hair all fancy and even smearing on eyeliner every day––but my entire look changed when I started cycling. When your main transportation is a bicycle, that cute sundress you pull from storage that highlights your supple winter boobies, and the matching sandals that showcase your fresh pedicure … Well … their story won’t end as happily as The Brave Little Toaster’s. … read more

Princess Kennedy: He-She Love Connections

Princess Kennedy: He-She Love Connections

“Once, when I was on Jerry Springer …”
I love starting sentences like that—it always gets people’s attention, but alas, it’s true. When I was 29, some friends of mine had made up a tawdry story about a fucked-up love triangle and pitched it to the show. It was good enough to get us on a whirlwind trip to Chi-town where it was filmed, and, let me tell you, it was as unglamorous as you would probably imagine. … read more

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Internet Dating: an Interview with Dick Snot

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Internet Dating: an Interview with Dick...

I have a good friend who started up an eHarmony account a few months ago, and I decided to interview him about his experience. His name is Dick Snot. He is a very intriguing person, and the fact that he went on eHarmony is funny in itself. Dick Snot is very introverted, especially around women. Dick Snot is also incredibly sincere, honest and open. He truly doesn’t give a fuck, but not in that negative punk rock way.
  … read more

The Wheels on the Cart Go ’Round… Sometimes

The Wheels on the Cart Go ’Round… Sometimes

In the mid-2000s, the food cart hit America’s streets in earnest. UrbanSpoon lists 22 local trucks and carts as of this writing, serving everything from discount ramen or horchata to gourmet Asian sliders for a fraction of the cost of sit-down restaurants.   I tried to hit four carts, but it wasn’t easy. Finally, with only a few excuses, I was able to make it to three: World Dog, The Curryer and Union Street Eats. … read more

Corporate Skateboarding Still Sucks: Joey Sandmire, Local Skateboarder

Corporate Skateboarding Still Sucks: Joey Sandmire, Local Skateboarder

Joey Sandmire may not be a name you’re familiar with now, but it’s definitely one you should get used to hearing. The 17-year-old out of Bingham was recently added to the Blindside team and travels with SK801. I recently met up with Sandmire and his crew. Upon arriving at his desired meeting spot, his friends volunteered him to go skate a nearby rail. He agreed and I followed them to the mysterious spot. There, shaded between two buildings, was a mammoth 11-stair with royal blue handrails and a nasty kink. … read more

Evan Service: Fixie Fiend

Evan Service: Fixie Fiend

Like many cyclists, Evan Service boasts a lifetime of rollin’ rough: “I’ve been riding two-wheelers since before I was three,” he says. What sets him apart is exactly what reeled him into the world of fixed-gear freestyle, though. “I always thought it was cool, something different,” he says. “No one did it at the time that we all started doing it.” … read more

Photo Feature: Sam Giles

Photo Feature: Sam Giles

I’d like to say that I’m an artist and my photos are timeless, but that would be a joke. This photo will be dated by this time next year, when some kid from Nowheresville, Utah hardflips into this same trick at this same spot. Unfortunately for Cody Hardflip, Sam Giles got a pretty damn stylish backside 50­­-50 on this spot without the hardflip. … read more

No Mercy: SCDG’s Sisters Face Off Against the Bomber Babes 06.30

No Mercy: SCDG’s Sisters Face Off Against the Bomber Babes...

Saturday, the Salt City Derby Girls hosted their second banked track game of the season, pitting two of my dear friends against each other on opposite home teams, the Bomber Babes and the Sisters of No Mercy. … read more

Are We Not Men? We are Roommates!

Are We Not Men? We are Roommates!

I never would have thought that when Isaac Raymond and Mariano Wilson moved out of their parents’ homes and into a basement apartment in the Avenues, these two seemingly boyish men of the local skate world would have cohesively collided perfectly. I personally enjoy skateboarding around with these two. They each have their own individual qualities on and off the plank of youth. … read more