San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Three: Oddball Comics

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Three: Oddball Comics

I entered day three of the convention with the Zen calm of a Hindu cow, resigned to my fate. All the things that a fanboy suffers through for his passion—the sore feet and aching lower back, the endless bumping of people running into you at every turn in the tightly packed convention center, the loud noises, the ups and downs of meeting your idols or being turned away from a full panel, the expensive but desirable exclusive toys and comics—all these things no longer bothered me. … read more

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Two: When It’s Time to Party We Will Party Hard

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day Two: When It’s Time to...

“The best laid plans of mice and men,” as they say, was a bitter pill to swallow. I learned this quickly the second day of San Diego Comic Con 2012, as I dashed with my roommates to try and get into the Firefly 10th Anniversary panel. This was one of the very few things on my agenda that I really wanted to attend. But the normal part of my brain was not willing to get to the con early and wait in line for hours. … read more

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day One: Blood on the Con Floor

San Diego Comic-Con 2012 Day One: Blood on the Con...

San Diego Comic Con is a strange and overwhelming beast. You can try to imagine what a mass of humanity 125,000 deep is like, but it won’t do justice to viewing the actual spectacle with your own eyes. This being my fourth time attending I still find it incredible. … read more

Add a Dash of Local Art: Phil Cannon

Add a Dash of Local Art: Phil Cannon

Each month, SLUG features a local artist and their work on the west wall of the café in Whole Foods at Trolley Square. July’s Add a Dash of Local Art features Phil Cannon. To get a better idea of who they are, we invite the artist to the SLUG office and ask them to answer a few very strange and random questions that the office staff has come up with. … read more

Finding A Sweet Cape To Go With Those Heels: Damn These Heels! Film Fest July 13-15

Finding A Sweet Cape To Go With Those Heels: Damn...

My friends are proud, and I now have a more clear idea of what it takes for them to maintain that. To me, they are heroes. These are a few of the films being screened at Damn These Heels! that I feel finely demonstrate heroism and strength. … read more

Zine Reviews – July 2012

Zine Reviews – July 2012

The Boston Phoenix Guide to Playing Shows, Hanging Out and Finding Rad People While on Tour in Boston, MA and Sleepless #1 are reviewed. … read more

Book Reviews – July 2012

Book Reviews – July 2012

Appalachian Trials: A Psychological and Emotional Guide to Successfully Thru-Hiking the Appalachian Trail, Occupied Territory and Radio From Hell’s (Not For) Children’s Book are reviewed this month. … read more

Video Game Reviews – July 2012

Video Game Reviews – July 2012

This month we have reviews of Diablo III and Trials Evolution. … read more

Booze Reviews

Booze Reviews

It’s that time of year when beer fests and beer drinking have officially taxed my palate. While some may see that as an opportunity to take a breather and lay off the sauce for a bit, I press on for you, the reader. With that in mind, the most logical step is the highest point of the higher points: craft spirits. This set of reviews includes the local big boys of the distillation game. … read more

Product Reviews – July 2012

Product Reviews – July 2012

Products from Aggronautix, Airwalk, Fairdale Bikes, Nyko and United Artist Network/Jedidiah are reviewed this month. … read more