Book Reviews – September 2012

Book Reviews – September 2012

Dream Big: The Journey of the Jazz Bear by Aron Simkins, Instrument  by Pat Graham and Murder in the Front Row by Harald Oimoen and Brian Lew are reviewed this month. … read more

Video Game Reviews – September 2012

Video Game Reviews – September 2012

Blacklight: Retribution and Darksiders II are reviewed. … read more

Beer Reviews – September 2012

Beer Reviews – September 2012

Summer is roaring to an end, and if you’re still reading this, your liver, or at least some motor functions, are still intact. That deserves a “cheers” and probably a slap on the wrist for not drinking hard enough to support our local brewers. Nonetheless, this month we have a stellar lineup of some hop-emphasized beers, and a newer stylization of beer to impress any Belgian connoisseur. So sit back, enjoy, and for god’s sake, please step up your game. … read more

Product Reviews – September 2012

Product Reviews – September 2012

Products from Converse, Denik, Etnies, Kisstixx and Mojo are reviewed this month. … read more

Dear Dickheads – September 2012

Dear Dickheads – September 2012

Dear Dickheads,
I would like to comment on your first story in Dear Dickheads [Issue #281 and #284]. I would like to comment how I use to be thin and the cops made me 300 lbs. And I’ve been homeless since 3-12-2012. Do to a pig that kicked me out of my home against the law. I didn’t threaten anyone again. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Rebel Grrrls—Ovarian Psycos

Beautiful Godzilla: Rebel Grrrls—Ovarian Psycos

Ovarian Psycos’ Maryann Aguirre, aka La Fingers, answers a phone somewhere in East LA with unrestrained enthusiasm as I state my name on the other end at the SLUG Headquarters in Salt Lake. Ovarian Psycos claim to organize and cycle “for the purpose of healing our communities physically, emotionally and spiritually, by addressing pertinent issues through cycling. ”As she explains her nickname, La Fingers, a result of being caught wagging her middle-finger on more than one occasion, I know I’m talking to the right person. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Brigham Young’s Tranimal Son?

Princess Kennedy: Brigham Young’s Tranimal Son?

Brigham Young had a tranimal son? Yeah, you totally read that right. I heard a rumor that Brigham Young, the HBIC back in the day, allegedly had a son who donned a dress and matching falsetto voice. “What’s that?” I ask myself. “Could it be true that mine is not the only Mormon family with dirty secrets?” Imagine! … read more

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: The Original Fucktard

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: The Original Fucktard

My band, The Fucktards, is nearing 13 years old. Like most bands that have been around over 10 years or so, we’ve changed. Dare I say, “progress”? In the case of The Fucktards, I realize that’s pushing it. These days, a Fucktards show consists of us dressing up stupid, getting beer and other random objects thrown at us and playing the same seven songs over and over again, until we are asked to stop. So, I want this article to give you lucky readers the origins and beginnings of The Fucktards. … read more

Absinthe Films: Resonance Salt Lake Premiere 09.01

Absinthe Films: Resonance Salt Lake Premiere 09.01

On the first of September, Justin Hoystenek and Shane Charlebois gathered a few of the riders featured in their 15th film, Resonance, to showcase last season’s ups and downs on the big screen at the Tower Theater in SLC. … read more

What Awesome Tastes Like: Curry Fried Chicken

What Awesome Tastes Like: Curry Fried Chicken

What do superheroes eat after a hard day of do-gooding? Shawarma, of course. If you saw Joss Whedon’s latest movie, The Avengers, and you stayed for the second, post-credit end scene, you know what I’m talking about. Where do the local superheroes get a genuine shawarma in our little home of vice and virtue? Well, there is only one answer: Curry Fried Chicken. … read more