Dear Dickheads – October 2012

Dear Dickheads – October 2012

Hey Comon
SLUG Monkey’s zzz —
The best music is at Gardener Village Farmer’s Market. We’ll kick your little Lamenite butts. & you know it.
–Gary Stoddard … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Spooky Spokes

Beautiful Godzilla: Spooky Spokes

Cyclists love costumes––especially when worn on themed group rides. The reasoning behind this is pretty simple––cyclists are also total attention whores. Seriously, think about it: Take the lane campaigns, Critical Mass, spandex shorts … You think it’s about activism and awareness? Of course not. We just want all eyes on us in our two-wheeled fabulosity. That being said, costume rides are heavy, and Halloween costume rides are even heavier. … read more

Food Review: Pig & a Jelly Jar

Food Review: Pig & a Jelly Jar

Pig & A Jelly Jar is a fresh eatery serving breakfast and lunch seven days a week, and a three-course dinner on Sundays in the west Liberty Park neighborhood. … read more

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Halloween Costume Ideas

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Halloween Costume Ideas

Oh boy, do I love Halloween. Halloween is one of those holidays when the sluts come out. A good costume can get you laid. This isn’t a column about how to get laid that night, but if you nab a piece because of some of the tips in this article, well then,
you’re welcome. … read more

Princess Kennedy: A Halloween to DIY For

Princess Kennedy: A Halloween to DIY For

My Halloween wish, if you will, is for people to bring the imagination back into their costumes—a little bit of humor or some extreme gore. I want to see the craft put back into “witchcraft!” It’s easier than you think, and some of my best costumes were made at the last second. Here are a few of Princess Kennedy’s household tips to a tran-tastic Halloween costume. … read more

The Snow is Always Greener: Ramp Sports’ Revolution

The Snow is Always Greener: Ramp Sports’ Revolution

Based in Park City, RAMP Sports is rapidly making its way to the top of the winter sports industry with quality, handmade and environmentally friendly hard goods. Mike Kilchenstein is a pioneer. RAMP’s owner, founder and president, and green economist, Kilchenstein spent 35 years of his career prior to starting RAMP Sports manufacturing skis for Rossignol. … read more

Photo Feature: Matt Winskowski

Photo Feature: Matt Winskowski

The boneless one is a trick I have always liked doing. It’s a classic trick that’s all about style. It was also the second trick I ever learned (it was much more common in 1990). I told Matt that I wanted to shoot a boneless at a street spot. Matt’s response: “What would Peter Hewitt do?” Apparently, he would do something like this. … read more

Busting Out the Lowcard

Busting Out the Lowcard

In 2002, while playing lottery tickets, zine maker and skater Rob Collinson’s slap-happy pamphlets would unofficially become a mag. Ironically enough, the name for Lowcard came to Collinson while he was scratching away on a lotto ticket titled “High Card.” The object of the ticket was to reveal the highest card and win some cash-ola. However, Collinson confesses that, “I always got low cards on the tickets.” … read more

Roger That: Michael Sieben Talks Art and Skateboards

Roger That: Michael Sieben Talks Art and Skateboards

Austin-based artist Michael Sieben may not be a household name, but his art has been seen by skateboarders, art aficionados and mall-walkers for close to a decade, even if people haven’t been able to match the name with the artist. Sieben will be one of more than 20 artists submitting pieces to Salt Lake City’s own FICE for their All Dead art show, being displayed on Friday, Nov. 2. Sieben was awesome enough to talk to SLUG about his influences, past galleries and skateboard company, Roger Skateboards. … read more

Not Just Another October Evening

Not Just Another October Evening

Take a moment and think back to that feeling you used to get as a kid around Halloween: that deliciously spooky cobweb of eeriness cast over everything, with decorations and tricks everywhere, celebrating all things creepy. That’s the feeling Christel Edwards and Stephen Simmons are looking for when they put together their annual, fall spook-fest extravaganza, An October Evening. It has become a sought-after event for artists, filmmakers, designers and performers to showcase their work. … read more