HVDD Molly Morbids Get The Plague @ The Hive 12.15

HVDD Molly Morbids Get The Plague @ The Hive 12.15

At the The Hive, the Happy Valley Derby Darlins hosted an event deemed Holiday Havoc. It was an opportunity for skaters across the state to come together, skate against each other, and watch the Molly Morbids take on the Plague from Moab Roller Derby.  … read more

Guerilla Dining @ Nata Gallery 12.15

Guerilla Dining @ Nata Gallery 12.15

When you sit down for a meal at Nata Gallery, it’s like throwing down a gauntlet and daring chefs Katie Weinner and Mike Burtis to keep your ass in the seat long enough to try each and every offering that they’ve created on a given evening. … read more

Nata Gallery Grand Opening 12.07

Nata Gallery Grand Opening 12.07

The concept of a “pop-up dinner” has provided both chefs and diners with a unique opportunity to socialize, network and enjoy food that varies wildly from one event to the next. Since April, Salt Lake City has been host to several of these pop-up dinners, thanks to an organization called SLC POP, which has been under the dutiful watch of chefs Katie Weinner and Mike Burtis. … read more

Video Game Reviews 12/12

Video Game Reviews 12/12

Worms Revolution and XCOM: Enemy Unknown are reviewed. … read more

Book Reviews – December 2012

Book Reviews – December 2012

Art by Tattooists Mini: Beyond Flash by Jo Waterhouse, Reaching Out with No Hands: Reconsidering Yoko Ono by Lisa Carver, Sugar House Review #6: Spring/Summer 2012
 and VICE’s Dos & Don’ts 2: 17 Years of Street Fashion Critiques are reviewed. … read more

Beer Reviews 12/12

Beer Reviews 12/12

When looking back on this year, in regard to Utah beer, I’m glad. We’ve seen new breweries arise, more community involvement with craft brewing and enough high-point beer to ram down the fucking esophagus of that asshole who “only drinks real beer.” If those change-ups weren’t enough to convince you of an impending doom, allow this to be the icing on the cake: This is my last issue. Now, I know my two readers out there are heartbroken. So, Nana and UteBeerFan87, thank you for all your support over the years. … read more

Product Reviews 12/12

Product Reviews 12/12

Products from Logitech, LUSH Cosmetics, Plantronics SMS Audio and Tilley are reviewed. … read more

Dear Dickheads – December 2012

Dear Dickheads – December 2012

Dear Dickheads,
I am recently unemployed and been on the job hunt for a few weeks. Like most of your readers, I am in my mid-twenties, and have had difficulty obtaining a job. I am contributing much of this lack of employment on the part of age-ism. On two separate occasions, I’ve had potential employers generalize me as a Millennial and their apparent traits. How do I combat this generational stigma? … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: I Don’t Wanna Grow Up

Beautiful Godzilla: I Don’t Wanna Grow Up

There was a period of time when I was growing up, from about 3 to 11, when bicycles were cool and coveted for something other than their hipster/hippy appeal. From my first purple-tassled princess bike with glittery training wheels, to that shiny green 10-speed with thick, black tires, few things could give me greater joy upon entering the garage on Christmas day––except maybe not to walk in on my uncle with my mom’s old breast pump. So, what is it about bikes that’s so cool at that age? My theory has to do with the silver screen. … read more

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: My Bucket List

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: My Bucket List

Whenever there is a prediction that the world is ending, I think about my bucket list—otherwise known as “some shit I want to do before I die.” While researching for this article, I decided to put my actual list on paper and hang it up with some check marks. I realized then that my bucket list is relatively short, which could mean one of two things: I’m either extremely unambitious or extremely content. … read more