Video Game Reviews 3/13

Video Game Reviews 3/13

Hawken and Momonga Pinball Adventures are reviewed. … read more

Beer Reviews 3/13

Beer Reviews 3/13

Settle down, class. Today we are going to discuss proper St. Patrick’s Day etiquette. Hopefully, this tutorial will give you the skills to navigate this most hallowed beer day. Many of the “beer nerds” you may encounter likely consider St. Pat’s Day to be “amateur hour” for the majority of revelers. These simple tips and recommendations will hopefully strip that douche-bag aura from your hipster tendencies. … read more

Dear Dickheads – March 2013

Dear Dickheads – March 2013

Dear Dickheads,
I’d like to comment on your column for last month’s Beautiful Godzilla. I find it kind of sad and pathetic that you’re so judgmental of cyclists whom you consider “granola.” I mean, you may not have had to duck and binge so hard if you just open up to different types of people and enjoy yourself in the company of somebody showing you something that might be new. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Home Sweet Home

Beautiful Godzilla: Home Sweet Home

Every winter, but especially after a particularly wet one like this year, I promise myself it’ll be my last in Salt Lake. I really love this city––I just can’t handle pedaling or driving through all this extremity-numbing precipitation. What inevitably keeps me here is the fact that I can navigate my way around this godforsaken desert without Siri holding my hand. A city doesn’t become home until you can confidently give a stranger accurate directions to the nearest, local strip club. … read more

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Amateur Night

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Amateur Night

There are certain holidays that are pretty much catered to the boozing and bar industry.  But there’s one designated drinking day that seems to suck the stupid out of people more than all of them: St. Patrick’s Day. Maybe it’s because I fancy a drink a tad bit more than the average American male, but I don’t need a holiday to tell me to drink. I probably got more hammered on Flag Day than I did on all of these “holidays” combined, and I don’t even know when Flag Day is. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Inversion Intervension

Princess Kennedy: Inversion Intervension

My dearest SLUG readers, I fear this could be my last column, as I am writing from my deathbed. I feel like I’m dying from slowly being poisoned by our past two months of The Inversion. March has finally arrived and with it comes a cleaner, clearer city, but the pollution still lingers in my body––I can feel it! I don’t know about you, but I seem to always forget about it during the 10-month period we’re Inversion-free. I have no doubt the effects linger long after. … read more

Bellator: the Gladiators of the 21st Century

Bellator: the Gladiators of the 21st Century

The crowd at the Maverick Center is on their feet, chanting “U-S-A” in unison, spotlights circle the room, and the tension is palpable. Then with a collective gasp and a wave of the referee’s hand, it’s all over. Countless hours, mentally and physically preparing for this fight and it’s over, two minutes and 45 seconds into the second round. Fighters, bull riders and Olympians recognize this fleeting moment when history claims the winners and the losers. In this case the winner is … … read more

Photo Feature: Jon Hart

Photo Feature: Jon Hart

In rural Utah, where I grew up, winter meant a nearly three month skating hiatus. There were no parking garages or indoor ramps to skate. We would just hope the church parking lot dried up enough to pull out our flat bars and boxes, and we’d skate the snow gaps. Shoveling a spot to skate in sub-freezing weather shows dedication, and Bolts of Thunder founder Jon Hart is one of the most dedicated people I know. … read more

Niche Snowboards: Snowboarding’s Green Thumb

Niche Snowboards: Snowboarding’s Green Thumb

Niche Snowboards founder Dustin Morrell knew that without presenting a totally new niche on the table, their dream would be short-lived. “There wasn’t a 100-percent eco-friendly company from the ground up with focus on everything that you do,” says Ana Van Pelt, Niche’s creative director. So in 2009, Salt Lake City got a little bit greener. “Simply put, we make boards that have a positive impact on the planet and snowboard industry,” Van Pelt says. … read more

Brady Larson: The Come Up Kid

Brady Larson: The Come Up Kid

“It was a Lamar—it was the sickest board ever,” said no one, ever. Unless, perhaps, you’re Brady Larson and you’re speaking of the beginning of a decade-long love affair with snowboarding. Larson’s love story begins the same as many of ours—a 9-year-old on Christmas morning, a budget snowboard from Sports Authority and beginner lessons at Brighton. And, like many of us, his love started to grow as he became a weekend warrior through middle school and high school. … read more