Design of the Devil’s Hand? Diabolical Affinities Through Printmaking

Design of the Devil’s Hand? Diabolical Affinities Through Printmaking

Before we begin, I’d like to start with an invo- cation, and invite you to ponder what the Devil means to you. Do cliché images of red creatures with horns, wings and flames come to mind? Per- haps images of Norwegian black metal come through, as churches burn in flames and pagans flirt with death? Or maybe Lucifer is just some simple dude who goes bowling on weeknights.  … read more

Les Madeleines: Savoring is Encouraged

Les Madeleines: Savoring is Encouraged

Throughout my culinary journeys, I’ve had the pleasure of coming across a few establishments that are holding out against the growing tide of mass-produced faux meat and trafficking cryogenically frozen vegetables from halfway across the country. These are restaurants where food is prepared to be enjoyed, not scarfed. Les Madeleines has been around for a decade, and I wish I had taken advantage of its complete culinary catalogue much earlier than I did. … read more

Mike Brown: The Mustang Experience

Mike Brown: The Mustang Experience

After driving a souped-up Mustang GT around the racetrack at the Larry Miller Motorsports Park last week, I should have said I wanted to be a goddamn racecar driver. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Maudlin Bikes

Beautiful Godzilla: Maudlin Bikes

Type “girls on bikes” into Google Image Search. Seriously, pick up your iPhone and do it right now—just keep in mind it’s NSFW unless you’re employed at SLUG … read more

Beer Reviews

Beer Reviews

You’ve gotten to know barley (and wheat–based) beers, amber ales and hefeweizens—now I want you to experience rye beers. Rye malt has a slight herbal spiciness that sets it apart from other grains. I beg you to step out and try some of these locally available examples. … read more

Forrest Does Downtown

Forrest Does Downtown

For this article, Forrest Huber, Jovi Bathemess, Sam Milianta, Gabe Dusserre and I met up near the library Downtown. The friendly dynamic and atmosphere that was created helped some of these tricks come to life. These photos were all shot on two Saturdays in downtown Salt Lake City. We didn’t get all the photos we wanted to––sometimes a spot gets the best of you, sometimes you get kicked out before you even get a chance to skate––but we had fun, and that is all that really matters. 
  … read more

Princess Kennedy: Dear Diary

Princess Kennedy: Dear Diary

Very recently, during a spring-cleaning fury, I was reorganizing the bookshelf and came across an old journal. It wasn’t any old journal, but the log I kept when I was 23 and did a study abroad in Paris.  … read more

Review: The Knife – Shaking The Habitual

Review: The Knife – Shaking The Habitual

Shaking the Habitual extends beyond the scope of the record—it’s a manifesto for a 21st Century pop culture ontology. … read more

Dear Dickheads – June 2013

Dear Dickheads – June 2013

Dear Gotti,
As the roommate of two lesbians, I feel ya, man. Imagine two sets of pitchy groans …and this is what it really comes down to … IMAGINE two sets of pitchy groans. … read more

Civic Day of Hacking 06.01

Civic Day of Hacking 06.01

In a back office at the Leonardo, Open SLC, a group of individuals who believe all public record should be available in human and machine readable format, gathered ready to solve problems for our city.  … read more