Video Game Reviews

Video Game Reviews

Video game reviews for The Sims 3: Island Paradise, Remember Me and Resident Evil: Revelations. … read more

Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Product reviews for Blue Copper Coffee, Crow SLC, GlitterGutterGlamour, Mayberry Vintage and Scatterbrain Tees. … read more

Dear Dickheads – August 2013

Dear Dickheads – August 2013

A few months ago, Madball was supposed to come here with Suicidal Tendencies but ended up dropping off the bill because a certain promoter told them that “hardcore had been banned from SLC.”  … read more

Beer Reviews

Beer Reviews

I don’t have to tell you all that it’s been a brutally hot summer. As we enter the most intense part of the summer’s heat, you may think it’s time to push aside the more flavorful beers in your arsenal in lieu of lighter, more “refreshing” beers. You could do this, but why sacrifice taste when you can have your beer and drink it, too? … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Livin’ The Daydream

Beautiful Godzilla: Livin’ The Daydream

It’s taken over a decade, but all my daydreams came true a couple of months ago at the Monthly Mystery Ride.  … read more

Mike Brown: Busking a Nut

Mike Brown: Busking a Nut

Do you know what busking is? If you are a regular to reading my column, I’m guessing you are too drunk or lazy to Google it, so allow me to do that for you. According to the app on my robot phone, to busk is to entertain by dancing, singing or reciting on the street or in a public place. It’s a goddamn street performance. … read more

Princess Kennedy: The Wise-Tran Cometh

Princess Kennedy: The Wise-Tran Cometh

Starting this month through January, the UMFA is featuring the photographic work and video performance art of Samoan-born artist Shigeyuki Kihara, aka Yuki.  … read more

Colton Reeves Ericksen 1993-2013

Colton Reeves Ericksen 1993-2013

Colton Reeves Ericksen, often called “Toner,” was a 19-year-old beacon of light whose passion for life, music and his friends was tragically cut short. He passed on July 15, traveling to Chicago with our band, Dark Seas, in a freeway accident.  … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Danny Souk

Skate Photo Feature: Danny Souk

It had been five years since I shot a photo with Danny Souk. Thanks to the miracle of Instagram, I was able to see that he was skating Downtown by himself at the same time I was. A quick comment later, and we were looking for spots with enough light to skate. Social media is useful (sometimes). … read more

Eva’s Bakery: French Authenticity in the Heart of Salt Lake

Eva’s Bakery: French Authenticity in the Heart of Salt Lake

Over the past few years, one of my favorite Downtown restaurants has been Eva. The small-plates restaurant serves a diverse selection of foods in portions manageable enough so that you can order half a dozen things and still not break the bank. Imagine my excitement when I, as SLUG Magazine’s Resident French Master TM, became aware that Eva Chef/Owner Charlie Perry had plans to open a French-style bakery just a few blocks away, Eva’s Bakery. … read more