Video Game Reviews

Video Game Reviews

Video game reviews for Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures, The Banner Saga, Dead Rising 3, FIFA 14, Forza Motorsport 5, Gylph Quest, Killer Instinct, Max: Curse Of The Brotherhood, Peggle 2, Powerstar Golf, Ryse: Son of Rome, Shadow Blade, The Stanley Parable and Zombie Tycoon 2. … read more

Beer Reviews

Beer Reviews

Last year, around this time, we discussed how to avoid green beer while celebrating St. Patrick’s Day. Most of you listened, your lives have prospered, and success greets you at every corner. A few of you could not resist the hype, so now I have to take time away from my important beer snob duties to fix the damage you’ve done. … read more

Product Reviews

Product Reviews

Product reviews for Chrome Industries, Cliché Skateboards, Goat Milk Stuff, Gnarly and Om Audio. … read more

Dear Dickheads – March 2014

Dear Dickheads – March 2014

Have you ever had one of those days when you don’t wanna wake up? One of those days when everything is fucked, everybody sucks? And you don’t really know why, but you want justify ripping someone’s head off? Well that’s how I feel when it snows in Utah. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: Eric Nguyen

Skate Photo Feature: Eric Nguyen

Last June, I went out shooting with Eric for the first time. Actually, I think it was the first time we had even met. We found this nice gap Downtown and Eric got right to it, throwing switch heelflips. … read more

Snow Photo Feature: Harrison Gordon

Snow Photo Feature: Harrison Gordon

The red, fiery flame of the ginger torch burns bright, and it is my not-so-humble opinion that we should place it in the hands of one Harrison James Gordon. Mark my words, and sleep well knowing a new king will soon be crowned. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Flying the Coup

Beautiful Godzilla: Flying the Coup

 I haven’t been to a bike event since last summer, I haven’t ridden my bike in three months, and the only time I get on SaltCycle is to hound its brainstorming capabilities for what to write this goddamn column about. … read more

Mike Brown: Soccer, Beer and Piss Bombs—Kickin’ It with Nick Rimando

Mike Brown: Soccer, Beer and Piss Bombs—Kickin’ It with Nick...

According to my drunk friend, Danny, who is an RSL season ticket holder and sometimes takes me to games, Nick is “like, the best dude ever!” So I figured I’d better interview him. … read more

Princess Kennedy: Dead, Wrapped in Plastic—A Kat Martin Original

Princess Kennedy: Dead, Wrapped in Plastic—A Kat Martin Original

Becoming re-obsessed with Twin Peaks, posting nonstop about it on my various social medias, my fabulous artist friend, Kat Martin, suggested immortalizing myself as “dead, wrapped in plastic” in a piece of art. Kat Martin is an artist who, even though you may not realize, you’re most likely familiar with—because she’s part of every arts festival, craft fair and farmer’s market. … read more

Creature Feature: Jezebel Jet’s Bad Kid Origins

Creature Feature: Jezebel Jet’s Bad Kid Origins

SLUG’s bi-monthly online column, Creature Feature, has followed the Bad Kids from their raw, youthful days to the brilliant, thriving queer constellation it continues to be. They are a vital force for queer voices in the face of today’s hesitancy toward all things goofy and sexy and weird and fun. For its sixth installment, SLUG spoke with Jezebel Jet about becoming her comic book alter ego and being the Bad Kids’ first female performer. … read more