Beautiful Godzilla

Beautiful Godzilla

Hey guys, this is my last Beautiful Godzilla column. I’m moving to New York City to dedicate my life to pizza.  … read more

Dear Dickheads – May 2014

Dear Dickheads – May 2014

 Hey there officer: Not everyone is an uninformed smoker. You seem to be a very uninformed and disassociated so I figured I would do the 15 minutes of google research you opted out of. I’m going to go ahead and cover as many points as possible before my high wears off. … read more

Del Mar Al Lago: Bringing the Beach to the Beehive

Del Mar Al Lago: Bringing the Beach to the Beehive

Despite the cold weather that plagues the  Wasatch Front during the beginning of spring, a trip to South Salt Lake’s Del Mar al Lago is a great way to speed up the seasonal transition—or at least fool yourself into thinking that summer has come early. … read more

Skate Photo Feature: AJ Neuenswander

Skate Photo Feature: AJ Neuenswander

In skateboarding, it’s easy for skaters to become known for a certain trick that they do really well, or do a lot. For example, Paulo Diaz was the nollie guy; Lindsey Robertson—heelflips; Andrew Reynolds—frontside flips; Keith Hufnagel—giant ollies; etc. When I first met AJ, I was in awe of how well he skated fakie. … read more

Creature Feature: The Bad Kids Collective Enters Their Terrible Twos

Creature Feature: The Bad Kids Collective Enters Their Terrible Twos

Since the summer of 2012, the Bad Kids Collective has shaken up Salt Lake’s drag scene, made connections with the global genderfuck community and established a home for queer artists at Metro Bar. Now, at “terrible” 2 years old, SLUG catches up with founding braintrust Cartel Chameleon Fenicé and performers Jezebel Jet and The Bearded Femme about where they’ve been, where they’re headed and why their approach to gender-integrated performance art is a vital force in queer Utah. … read more

The Bourne Skate-dentity

The Bourne Skate-dentity

Salt Lake City’s next generation of Sk801 rippers is here, seeking out all of the tracked and untracked territory that this city has to offer, and Christian Bourne is one of them. A mellow dude off his skateboard and an absolute animal on one (kid straight-up broke a handrail on a back lip attempt), Bourne and I found some time to chat at Fairmont Park while we watched the rest of his crew tear up the park.  … read more

BMX Photo Feature: Brady Tweedy

BMX Photo Feature: Brady Tweedy

There were a lot of factors keeping us from getting this photo. We spent the early afternoon dodging the rain, almost resigning ourselves to an indoor park infested with scoot rats. Right before we met up to shoot, one of Brady’s friends took it on a kinked rail and chipped his tooth and broke his back. After taking that dude to go get checked out, Brady came back out ready to go, only to get postponed again by more rain, a family emergency and the “Local Neighborhood Do-Gooder,” who happened to walk by and tell us that Brady’s (plastic) pegs were causing destruction of private property to this ever-so-fragile (metal) rail. … read more

Let’s Ride: An Evening with Bike Party

Let’s Ride: An Evening with Bike Party

The Salt Lake bike scene has been on a steady incline for the last several years, becoming abundant with bike lanes, flat Downtown terrain and a local government with an interest in the safety of cyclists. SLUG joined Bike Party coordinators Phil Sarnoff and Colin Quinn-Hurst as they set out for one of their monthly rides around the city with a large group of cycling partygoers.  … read more

SLC Bicycle Co.

SLC Bicycle Co.

In 2008, on the corner of 2nd and 2nd in Downtown Salt Lake, a beautiful bike shop opened up alongside the booming bicycle community with a definitive name: Salt Lake Bicycle Company. The shop was a little intimidating at first for a newbie cyclist like me, with fancy, expensive-looking road bikes hanging in the big windows and a sprawl of gear I knew nothing about, but its staff immediately jumped into the community to prove they were there to serve us little guys, too.  … read more

Aggie Blue Bikes: Logan’s Mission Conscious Bike Shop

Aggie Blue Bikes: Logan’s Mission Conscious Bike Shop

While Salt Lake is heavily laden with a rich cyclist subculture, it’s easy to forget that beyond the city limits, the trend of living green and working to improve air quality is spreading. Aggie Blue Bikes (ABB) is the poster child for taking on a cause with no reservations.  … read more