Contributor Limelight: Christian Schultz

Contributor Limelight: Christian Schultz
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Christian Schultz started writing for SLUG in October of 2012, and his prose in all of his work is utterly spellbinding. He also joined the copy editing team this spring. His cerebral yet gracefully constructed sentences and his adept editing skills have been surefire signs that he’d make an excellent Digital Content Coordinator, and we’re beaming with pride to have Christian in this position! … read more

Princess Kennedy: Beers, Boys and Birthdays

Princess Kennedy: Beers, Boys and Birthdays

Beer is a subject near and dear to the hearts of Salt Lake. I hated beer not too long ago—in fact, it was safe to say that I probably had my first when I moved here. I was a cocktail gal, a three-martini luncher—a bloody mary, if you will. Beer terrified me: It was a loaf of bread in a glass, and tasted like piss.   … read more

Mike Brown’s Ride-a-Long: Viva la Magna!

Mike Brown’s Ride-a-Long: Viva la Magna!

Oh, the beloved Beer Issue—close to my heart and even closer to my liver. As usual, I get to use the Beer Issue as a chance to twist some tops and bend some elbows on someone else’s dime while pretending to write a serious article, and it’s the one time of year where the SLUG editors can’t give me any shit for writing my column drunk. It’s possible to slur in an article—if you’ve ever read any of my zines, then you already know that.   … read more

Punk Rock Bowling & Music Festival 2014

Punk Rock Bowling & Music Festival 2014

Punk Rock Bowling invites the positivity of the punk community, allowing everyone and anyone to see bands that they can knock off their bucket list. This festival invites a vast and diverse array of people influenced by this subculture. One can see skinheads, rockers, crust punks and of course the spiky hair punk rockers that make up the popular novelty postcards. … read more

Aiden Chamberlain: The Northern Light

Aiden Chamberlain: The Northern Light

It happened that I skated with Aiden Chamberlain once before at a spot with rails set against a white-brick building. We skated those for a while until someone decided that we’d check out a hulking rail that was just across the street. Only two of the group of about eight had the guts to huck themselves down the green, daunting monster. One of those kids was Mr. Chamberlain.  … read more

The Cold Truth on Warm Beer

The Cold Truth on Warm Beer

Occasionally, we beer drinkers can find ourselves in a bit of a beer bubble. It’s easy to forget that that many of the great beer styles that we enjoy come from regions of the world that are as foreign to us as a BYU singles ward. These beers were not just created to help you “get your sexy on”—they were primarily created to be necessary nutritional staples in the regions from which they hail. Why you’re drinking a beer has as much to do as what kind of beer you’re drinking. Centuries ago, when you were having a beer, it was because the water was bad or because it was a more practical way to stretch your harvest’s yield, and temperature has a lot to do with that. … read more

Chocolate Stout Cake (With a Little Arsenic)

Chocolate Stout Cake (With a Little Arsenic)

When SLUG offered me the chance to make a goddamn beer cake, I was not about to say no, even if I am about the worst example of domestication I know. I called the Martha Stewart of the metal world, my dear friend Lady Arsenic of local band Arsenic Addiction, and asked if she’d be interested in helping me create this heavenly dessert. To keep chocolate off the camera, my wonderful partner in crime, SLUG photographer Matt Brunk, offered to document the debauchery.  … read more

Avenues Proper: Prost To The Proper

Avenues Proper: Prost To The Proper

I’ve always hurt for that olde-worldy town pub feel in Utah—dimly lit and warm, complete with woodworked furnishings that welcome all walks of life to casually learn about the nearby company—where I can drink something from a house keg and enjoy the finest classic beer food known to man. The ascending Avenues have bolstered Avenues Proper, letting in some natural light, but the concept of a laidback place to sit back and watch the world spin is starting to carry itself out of the Berger Straße and onto the Bonneville benches.   … read more

Let’s Just Get Along: Craft Brewery Trademarking

Let’s Just Get Along: Craft Brewery Trademarking

It’s another beer issue, and I have been granted the opportunity to gripe to you readers about some bullshit that is happening within the craft brewing industry that makes me livid: trademarks and bitchy brewers! With over 2,400 active craft breweries operating in the US and another 1,000-plus in the midst of planning and opening, there is bound to be some crossover with brand names and labels. The repercussions of these name changes that fall on the brewery can result in thousands to tens of thousands of dollars spent in re-labeling, product waste, signage reproduction and graphic alterations.  … read more

Raising The Bar

Raising The Bar

Simple, clean, satisfying beer has four primary ingredients—yet, the flavor combinations and styles are plentiful. Those who truly appreciate the crisp bite of an IPA or the cool, refreshing quality of a lager can go on forever about things like the palate and bouquet of their favorite fermented beverages. However, it takes a special kind of person to bring that information to the masses and create a unique experience for the consumer. Salt Lake City’s Beer Bar is a place where a like-minded group of beer aficionados have come together to provide just such an experience.  … read more