Review: The Wire: The Complete Series

Review: The Wire: The Complete Series

The Wire is not your average police procedural about hero cops and inhuman criminal acts. … read more

Review: Rebel Galaxy

Review: Rebel Galaxy

Rebel Galaxy

Double Damage Games
Reviewed on: PC
Also on: PS4, Xbox One, Mac
Street: 05.18

Every time I’ve played a game that puts me in charge of a spaceship, I’ve inevitably been disappointed. There’s always something that precludes an experience that should essentially be a simulated version of Joss Whedon’s Firefly. … read more

Review: Amphetamine Blues: Issues 1 and 2

Review: Amphetamine Blues: Issues 1 and 2

I was greeted upon opening the monochromatic first issue by a photo of a lacy thong hanging off a stiletto heel and a blurb about the editor, Sakellis Manos, aka “~manoc~”. Amphetamine Blues publishes album reviews, both new and old, as well as interviews, quotes from well-known musicians and simple biographies of underground, lesser-known bands. … read more

Review: psyscrolr

Review: psyscrolr

I had hopes for Actos Games’ psyscrolr because it was pitched to me as an indie horror platformer for the Wii U that mainly uses the touchpad, which all sounds great. … read more

Review: Uncle John’s Lists That Make You Go Hmmm…

Review: Uncle John’s Lists That Make You Go Hmmm…

Aside from their massive tomes of knowledge, the Uncle John’s series has also had a grand catalog of oddity books that, while they may not fit into the regular series, prove to be informational and fun. Lists That Make You Go Hmmm… is a great example of an era long gone with the random fact-checking of Wikipedia and Google. … read more

Review: Bewitched: Seasons 5 & 6

Review: Bewitched: Seasons 5 & 6

I loved this as a kid, but watching this as an adult is a different, altogether terrifying experience. Samantha, Darrin, Endora and toddler Tabitha are back for all things domestic-suburban living, with a touch of the supernatural. … read more

Review: Homemade Gin Kit

Review: Homemade Gin Kit

Ever stare down a bottle of Beehive Gin and wonder how many distinct ingredients are at work in such a spirit? Or maybe you’ve thought to yourself, “Gee, could I ever make something that tasty for myself?” Well, with the help of W&P Design’s Homemade Gin Kit, you can master the art of making your own gin—in 36 hours, no less. … read more

Review: Boardwalk Empire: Complete Series

Review: Boardwalk Empire: Complete Series

Boardwalk Empire gets a slow start in Season One, but from the very first scene, Buscemi—as the semi-fictional Enoch “Nucky” Thompson—starts chewing up some damn fine scenery. … read more

Review: Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China

Review: Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China

I’ve never understood why the emphasis in Assassin’s Creed games is less on historical assassinations and more on ridiculously trite “hunt and gather” missions, layered with the extremely superficial satisfaction of climbing and jumping off buildings into bushes. … read more

Review: Focus

Review: Focus

Smith plays Nicky Spurgeon, a seasoned con man who is in the midst of his newest scheme when he spots an old flame from his past, played by Robbie. The two get romantic once again while conning targets large and small. … read more