Review: Burning Salts: Issue 4

Review: Burning Salts: Issue 4

Zine reviews for Burning Salts, Dithering Doodles, Gupter Puncher and Psycho Holosuite. … read more

Review: Fermentation Without Representation

Review: Fermentation Without Representation

Fermentation Without Representation pours an extremely dark-brown color with a small, tan head. The nose is huge with pumpkin, squash, ginger, cinnamon, chocolate, roasted malt, clove and caramel. The taste is just as big, with chocolate, roasted malt, pumpkin, caramel, cinnamon, ginger, light coffee, clove and spices. … read more

Review: Garwood’s Ginger Beer

Review: Garwood’s Ginger Beer

Garwood’s Ginger Beer Ginger Beer, 12-oz. bottles Thomas Garwood and Ashlee House Kickstarted the market in Salt Lake for fresh, organic ginger beer in early 2015, and have been the valley’s sole local supplier of the gingery, effervescent beverage ever since. Garwood’s flagship ginger beer is a mouthwatering concoction—made from a potent amount of

Review: Dithering Doodles 19

Review: Dithering Doodles 19

There is a place where inner and outer worlds combine like Voltron; where tsunamis are humanity’s greatest enemy; where Lucy (you know, Miss 5¢ psychiatrist from Peanuts) finally gets what she deserves; and Cracker Barrel is a toilet-plunger swashbuckling hellhole. … read more

Review: Prompt Me

Review: Prompt Me

Prompt Me W.P. Kimball Self-Released Street: 09.01 Prompt Me is an excellent example of the proliferation of flash fiction in the Internet age—this being loosely defined as any story under 1,000 words—and W.P. Kimball is one of the better writers in this form that I’ve come across in my limited experience. Kimball focuses most of her

Review: Psycho Holosuite

Review: Psycho Holosuite

Usually, when I pick up something for light reading, I don’t expect to be going in for existential dread, but this thing gave me night terrors. Psycho Holosuite is something of a companion to Gupter Puncher Issue 16; they were both produced by the same people and have a similar theme: vague existentialism and horror. … read more

Peaches: Close Up

Peaches: Close Up

Leading the conversation on sexual orientation and gender expression in the music world, Peaches is again out pushing her unique brand of punk electropop. … read more

Review: The Book of Unwritten Tales 2

Review: The Book of Unwritten Tales 2

Game reviews for The Book of Unwritten Tales 2, Euclidean and Overruled!. … read more

Review: Overruled!

Review: Overruled!

Overruled! Dlala Studios Reviewed on: PS4 Also on: PC, Xbox One Street: 09.15 Overruled! is a multi-player brawler that is best enjoyed with a group of friends. It also has a single player mode that is basically a bunch of mini-games, but it’s really not any fun. The multi-player battle mode is absolutely frantic and

Review: The Pop Festival

Review: The Pop Festival

Book reviews for Beale Street Dynasty, The Pop Festival and Prompt Me. … read more