Review: Hard West

Review: Hard West

Doom and gloom are omnipresent in Hard West. Every decision has a dark side, and every risk costs a bit of the player’s soul. … read more

Playstation Experience 2015

Playstation Experience 2015

This year’s Playstation Experience was a huge event, featuring tons of announcements, updates and other hype to keep the Playstation faithful in high spirits for the coming year. Check out some of our photos from this excellent event! … read more

Playstation Experience: KLAUS Preview

Playstation Experience: KLAUS Preview

I don’t even want to think about the kind of person I would be today if the “Blue Bomber” was as conflicted with the very nature of his existence as Klaus. … read more

Review: Mordheim: City of the Damned

Review: Mordheim: City of the Damned

Mordheim takes place in the Warhammer fantasy setting, which should sound familiar to those acquainted with tabletop gaming. … read more

PSX 2015, or; The Three Reasons How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Game

PSX 2015, or; The Three Reasons How I Learned to...

If any single word should describe Sony Computer Entertainment’s second annual PlayStation Experience, it’s “love.” Held in San Francisco’s Moscone Center from Dec. 6–7, PSX 2015 proved that the “Experience” was all about the fans. … read more

Review: Knight Squad

Review: Knight Squad

Knight Squad’s most attractive feature is the sheer amount of gameplay modes available to players. They’ve got your basics covered—deathmatch and capture the flag are available as team or free-for-all game modes—but it also throws a lot of interesting challenges into the mix. … read more

Pathologic Classic HD

Pathologic Classic HD

This Russian title never got its chance to break out in Western markets, but stayed alive through its cult currency on the Internet as “one of those crazy-ass Eastern European games.” … read more

Playstation Experience –­ Sony Keynote

Playstation Experience –­ Sony Keynote

Sony Computer Entertainment held their second annual Playstation Experience this weekend at the Moscone Center in San Francisco, Calif. Right away, Sony proved with their keynote conference that if the Playstation brand represents one thing, it’s that there’s never been a better time to be a gamer. … read more

Just Cause 3: Ode to Explosions

Just Cause 3: Ode to Explosions

About halfway through parachuting out of a speeding luxury car in midair—and mere moments before it collided with a row of giant gas canisters in a glorious orgy of explosive power—it occurred to me that I might be having a little too much fun in Just Cause 3. … read more

Review: Need for Speed

Review: Need for Speed

Need for Speed is a solid reboot for the tuner side of the franchise, but it crumbles under the weight of its ambitious and disjointed story. … read more